Subject Code & Title :-  BIOS5002- Research Proposal
Assessment Type :-  Assignment
Below are the marking guidelines your supervisor will have for assessing your Research Proposal.Every project is different and different aspects of the Research Proposal will have more or less significance for some rather than others so some of the categories below may not be appropriate. Your supervisor will give you more information on what is relevant. The guidelines are as follows with marks awarded to each section in brackets:
BIOS5002- Research Proposal Assignment – UK

BIOS5002- Research Proposal Assignment

1. A scientific abstract 
This should be 200 words maximum in length and concisely summarise the back ground hypotheses aims objectives and out look of the proposal at a level for an expert in the field to understand. Marks will be lost if the 200 word limit is exceeded.

2. An abstract for a general audience  Again this section should be 200 words max long and should explain in broad non technical terms aimed at a general audience covering the background hypotheses aims objectives and out look of the proposal. Marks will be lost if the 200 word limit is exceeded.

3. An introduction
This section should be around 550 words in length and provide a detailed background to the topic of the proposal. In this section the student should demonstrate an in depth knowledge of the back ground to the research. This section will require in depth reading on the subject beyond the primary data paper and review provided by the supervisor and therefore will need to cite and reference an appropriate number of papers to demonstrate an in depth under standing to the back ground to the proposal. Students should be encouraged to include figures/tables to help illustrate the text.

4.Identify the knowledge gap
This section should explain the knowledge gap and will naturally lead on from the back ground section. You need to explain based on the background what we still do not know about this topic and this clearly builds on your reading around the area. Another way to think of this is as a justification of why this research should be done (i.e. the potential 'big picture&#39 implication).

5.How your project addresses the knowledge gap (including aims and objectives
In this section you will explain how your project addresses the gap in the knowledge you identified. For this you need to show awareness of what conclusions might ultimately be drawn from your research and how this relates to the aims of the research – i.e. you need to demonstrate that your proposal is appropriate for addressing the knowledge gap.
At the end of this section you will need to include the aims/objectives of the research.

BIOS5002- Research Proposal Assignment – UK

BIOS5002- Research Proposal Assignment

6.References (5% – not included in word count) plus identification of two additional relevant primary papers (-10%)
Appropriate citations and references are consistently formatted Brookes Harvard. At the end of your references include two additional relevant primary papers with a brief description 2-3 sentences of why they will be relevant. If this is not done you will lose 5% per missing paper.

7.Relevant COSSH and risk assessment forms ACGM genetically modified organisms and Ethics not included in word count
Procedures and chemicals, if any that are intended to be used that would need to be considered for Health & Safety issues should be identified. Completed COSSH/RA forms are not required unless you say so. Your Turnitin reports on Moodle will be checked for originality.

The word limit is 1500 (+10%) words Figures can be a good way or reducing the word count

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