Module code and title : BM634 Research Methods CW1 Dissertation
Assessment weighting: 100%
Assignment No. and type : CW1: Dissertation
Assignment task :- Your task is to conduct an empirical research project during semester two on a topic that relates directly to your chosen degree area and to write a 10,000-12,000 word report on the research project you have under taken. The report must include the following elements:
BM634 Research Methods CW1 Dissertation Assignment – UK

BM634 Research Methods CW1 Dissertation Assignment


Introduction :
Presentation of the problem that you have identified
Rationale for conducting the research, who could benefit from it and how
Research aim and objectives

Literature review :-
1.Explain where your investigation fits in the wider body of literature and perhaps informs a current debate in that literature.
2.Critically evaluate carefully selected concepts theories and ideas which might be useful for investigating your research topic and taking it forward.
3.Discuss material from a range of relevant academic journal articles, as well as appropriate secondary research.
4.All sources must be referenced using the Harvard system.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
LO1 – Critically review and analyse literature pertaining to the topic area selected for the over all research aim and objectives of the Dissertation
LO2- Critically evaluate the performance of the primary research tool and identify weaknesses in the design execution and findings produced by the research tool and make recommendations for future research opportunities
LO3- Critically analyse the primary research findings in relation to theories and concepts to arrive at a set of evaluative conclusions and recommendations, where appropriate
LO4-Demonstrate transferable skills including time management project management listening negotiation written communication skills independent learning and advanced research skills

Task requirements
1. Please read this carefully and comply fully:
2. Follow the course guidelines regarding submitting work, as below (e.g. electronic or paper copies).
3. Pages should be numbered.
4. All work to be submitted as Arial 12 font with 1.5 line spacing.
5. All writing should be in the third person passive.
6. Written work must be word-processed
7. The module title and code number must be clearly marked on the front cover.
8. Work you submit for assessment must be properly referenced – a guide to the Harvard system of referencing can be found on the Bucks website at
9. You may seek clarification from the module tutor at any time.
10. There is no excuse for failing to submit your work in accordance with the guidance work that does not meet the necessary standards in that respect will be marked accordingly.
11. No collaboration is allowed.

BM634 Research Methods CW1 Dissertation Assignment – UK

BM634 Research Methods CW1 Dissertation Assignment

How your work will be assessed
Your work will be assessed against the assessment criteria which have been provided at the end of
this brief.

These criteria have been designed specifically for this assignment and are intended to measure the extent to which you have demonstrated your achievement of its associated learning outcomes see above.They have been aligned with the institutional grade descriptor appropriate for your level.

The assessment criteria provide a basis for fair and consistent marking and indicate what is expected of you in this assignment.

It is strongly recommended that you engage with them while you are working on the assignment and use them in combination with any feedback you receive once your work has been marked to help you plan for future learning and development.

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