Subject Code & Title : BM638 International Finance
Assignment No. and type: CW1: Coursework (2500 words)
Assessment weighting: 50%
Assignment task: Assume that you are the Finance Director of a big conglomerate (multinational) company, called ABC Plc. The Board of Directors are keen to add a FTSE 100 listed company to their existing portfolio. As the Finance Director, you are required to provide a confidential and professional advice relating to the purchase of this prospective company using appropriate financial information.
BM638 International Finance Assignment – Buckinghamshire University UK.
Specific Instructions:
Choose one FTSE 100 listed company and study the latest available financial information including annual reports and accounts of the company and undertake such further study and research as necessary to be able to respond to the tasks indicated below. The latest available set of reports and accounts and other financial information of the company can be obtained from the relevant company’s website.
You are free to choose any company provided it is listed as a FTSE 100 company. Make sure you choose a company you are familiar with. Part of the skill-set of a graduate is to communicate clearly and accurately to the given audience. It is important that you take this into consideration when constructing your assignment. Please present these tasks as part of a report.
Task 1 :
a) Using appropriate financial information, identify the current sources of finance (the FTSE 100 Company you chose) and other alternative sources of business finance available to the company. Note that your suggestion must be relevant and substantiated with valid reasons.
b) Critically evaluate the cost implications of using both the existing sources of finance and the alternative sources of business finance available to the company.
Task 2:
“The capital structure of a company is an important component in understanding how the company is funded, the potential risk exposure and benefits associated with such capital structure. Others on the other hand, argue that capital structure is irrelevant”. Discuss.
Task 3:
Discuss the 3 key business valuations models (the PE ratio method, Dividend model and the Asset based model)
Task 4:
Value the FTSE 100 Company you chose using each of these 3 valuations methods named above.
Note that marks will be awarded for Structure. Structure includes the orderly presentation of relevant material and the extent of research evidenced by the appropriateness and adequacy of in-text referencing.There must be a cover page and contents page, background and introduction – pages must be numbered.Recommendations must be realistic, relevant and capable of practical implementation.
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
LO 1: Identify and evaluate alternative sources of business finance including the cost of capital and capital structure theories.
LO 2: Discuss and apply principles of business and asset valuations
Task requirements:
This assignment is split into four parts:
From your report you will obtain marks for the following:
In a report format give a brief background and introduction of the FTSE 100 company that you chose to investigate.
Task 1:
a) Using appropriate financial information, identify the current sources of finance (the FTSE 100 Company you chose) and evaluate alternative sources of business finance available to the company. Note that your suggestion must be relevant and substantiated with valid reasons. The award of marks will depend on your ability to identify all the relevant sources of finance and the ability to identify applicable alternative sources of finance available to the company back by
evidence of research.
b) Marks will be awarded based on your ability to evaluate the cost implication of using both the existing sources of finance and the alternative sources of business finance available to the company.
Task 2:
The questions require you to demonstrate knowledge and understanding the capital structure theories. The award of marks will depend on the depth of research and critical awareness of the theories associated with capital structure.
Task 3:
Discuss the 3 key business valuations models (the PE ratio method, Dividend model and the Asset based model). The award of marks will depend on knowledge and understanding the key methods and distinction between these three valuations methods backed by evidence of research.
BM638 International Finance Assignment – Buckinghamshire University UK.
Task 4
Value the FTSE 100 Company you chose using each of these 3 valuations methods named above. The award of marks will depend on your ability to correctly calculate and value the business using the 3 methods using the right units of measurements.
Structure includes the orderly presentation of relevant material and the extent of research evidenced by the appropriateness and adequacy of in-text referencing (including brief introduction and background). There must be a cover page and contents page, background and introduction – pages must be numbered.Recommendations must be realistic, relevant and capable of practical implementation.
How your work will be assessed
Your work will be assessed against the assessment criteria which have been provided at the end of this brief.
These criteria have been designed specifically for this assignment and are intended to measure the extent to which you have demonstrated your achievement of its associated learning outcomes (see above). They have been aligned with the institutional grade descriptor appropriate for your level.
The assessment criteria provide a basis for fair and consistent marking and indicate what is expected of you in this assignment. It is strongly recommended that you engage with them while you are working on the assignment and use them in combination with any feedback you receive once your work has been marked to help you plan for future learning and development.
Submission details:
- This assignment should be submitted electronically. Please use the relevant Turnitin submission point in the Submit your work area in your Blackboard module shell.
- Please ensure that your work has been saved in an appropriate file format. Turnitin will only accept the following file types: Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT), Hangul (HWP),Google Docs, or plain text. Your file must also contain at least 20 words of text, consist of fewer than 400 pages and be less than 40 MB in size.
- You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit your work more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version.
- Once you have submitted your work, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission, which will be sent to your forwarded e-mail address (provided you have set this up). Please keep this receipt for future reference, along with the original electronic copy of your assignment.
- You are reminded of the University’s regulations on academic misconduct, which can be viewed on the University website:
- Please also note that work that is submitted up to 10 working days beyond the submission date will be considered a late submission. Late submissions will be marked and the actual mark recorded, but will be capped at the pass mark (typically 40%), provided that the work is of a passing standard.Work submitted after this period will not be marked and will be treated as a non-submission.
BM638 International Finance Assignment – Buckinghamshire University UK.
Before you submit:
1.Please use the provided checklist below to make sure you are ‘fit to submit’ your work
2. We recommend you use this checklist as soon as you get this assignment brief to help you plan
your work