BMP3002 Business In Practice Assignment – UK

Module Code :- BMP3002
Module Title :- Business In Practice
Assessment Number :- 2
Assessment Type (and weighting) :- Individual Poster with Voice Over – 50%
Assessment Name :- Internal and External factors
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
LO3: Explain how internal and external factors impact on the specific business
LO4: Explain the different ways in which a business can impact on the external environment.
BMP3002 Business In Practice Assignment – UK

BMP3002 Business In Practice Assignment

Assessment Brief:
Produce a detailed poster which consists of an investigation into the relationship between a business organisation and its external environment.

  • Describe and discuss how the external and internal factors effect a specific business or organisation of your own choice
  • Describe and discuss the different ways in which your chosen business or organisation can impact on the external environment.

Guide for Poster Presentation:
You will find useful information on this link. Additional guidance on digital tools available for designing posters and things to bear in mind when designing a digital poster for presentation shall be provided in seminar sessions:

1. Your poster should include sections with clear headings for example: introduction main ideas quotes conclusions References etc.
2.Ensure to include in-text citation and provide a list of references in a separate box within the poster.
3.Ensure it consists of the requirements stated above under the assessment brief heading.

Things to Bear in Mind:
1- Layout -use arrows, boxes, headings, smart art graphics to guide the audience.
2- Colour schemes-be mindful of colour choices when using contrasting colours.
3- Pictures- you may choose to include few pictures as long as they are relevant to your discussion.
4- Text- Use Arial font type and adjust font size as required ensuring it’s clearly readable to your audience.
5- Creativity – See examples of effective poster designs online in an academic context in order to plan and structure your poster.
6- Word count – as required but bearing in mind this is a poster and not an essay or a report. Hence you may wish to keep it succinct.

Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements at Level HE3 – It is expected that the Reference List will contain at least five sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include three academic books.

Assessment Preparation and Submission: See section 12 of the module guide for Guidelines on the Preparation and Submission of Assignments.

Additional Submission Instructions:
You are required to submit a soft copy via “Turn-it-in UK” on the module Moodle page. The software will allow you to check your work against other material on the internet. It will also compare your work against other students work. You will be able to upload drafts of your written work into turn-it-in as many times as you wish before the deadline.You will not be able to overwrite the final submission after the deadline. You can only submit a single file.

Advice :
1. Do not cut and paste phrases or paragraphs from published sources. You should seek to use your own words to explain concepts and theory.
2. If you wish to refer to specific quotes from published sources, then you must use full Harvard presentation.
3. Do not share work with other students.

Specific Assessment Criteria: (See page 4 for General Assessment Criteria)

Excellent (70%+): The report will be of a high standard. It will be structured in an extremely clear and logical manner. Findings will be clearly explained and enthusiastically communicated to audience to enable their full under standing. Virtually all of the relevant information skills accurately deployed. Excellent and exceptional grasp of theoretical conceptual analytical and practical elements. Very effective integration of theory, practice and information in relation to the objective of the assessment. There will be evidence of originality and creativity as appropriate to the subject.

BMP3002 Business In Practice Assignment – UK

BMP3002 Business In Practice Assignment

Very Good (60-69%): The report will be of a very good standard. It will be structured in a very clear and logical manner. Findings will be clearly outlined and effectively communicated to the audience to enable their understanding. Most of the relevant information/skills accurately deployed. Good grasp of theoretical conceptual analytical practical elements. Effective integration of theory practice and information in relation to the objectives of the assessment.

Good (50-59%): The report will be of a good standard. It will be structured in a clear and logical manner. Findings will be clearly outlined and effectively communicated to the audience to enable their under standing. Some of the relevant information/skills accurately deployed. Adequate grasp of theoretical conceptual analytical and practical elements. Fair integration of theory practice and information in relation to the objectives of the assessment.

Satisfactory (40-49%): The report will be of a fair standard. It will be clearly structured and findings will be communicated to the audience in a way that enables under standing. Some omissions in the deployment of information/ skills. Some grasp of theoretical conceptual, analytical and practical elements. Limited integration of theory practice and information in relation to the objectives of the assessment.

Unsatisfactory (Below 40%): Students who do not meet the requirements of a pass grade (40% or above) will not successfully complete the assessment activity.

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