BMSW4003 Digital Skills & Research Methods Assignment
- To improve students digital skills within the workplace.
- To develop awareness of the importance of effective analysis of information and its translation into knowledge.

Learning Outcomes of BMSW4003 Digital Skills & Research Methods Assignment
Upon the successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:
- Evaluate the appropriate use of contemporary techniques to improve workplace efficiency and employability.
- Identify and effectively evaluate a range of information sources.
- Show a competence in workplace data handling.
Please refer to your module outline for relevant reading for this module. Your tutor will also provide links to relevant articles on Moodle, which you will be expected to read and discuss as part of your weekly learning
As part of this task, each group is to identify an organisation and analyse how this organisation uses modern technology to improve efficiency.
As a group you are required to submit your PowerPoint slides (12 – 15 slides) supported by speaker notes, and should include the following elements:
- background of the organisation;
- the challenge(s) before the introduction of modern technology;
- insights to the modern technology introduced;
- the impact of the technology introduced;
- and lessons that can be drawn from the case study.
The group leader is required to submit the slides and supporting speaker notes (approximately 400 words per group member) in a Microsoft Word document through Moodle. All group members must take an equal part in preparation of slides and relevant speaker notes. Students will be assessed individually on their specific contribution to the group work presented.