Unit title & code :- Using Data to Build Business Practice – BSS004-1
Assignment number and title :- Assignment 2 – WBES data analysis
Assessment type :- Report
Weighting of assessment :- 75%
Size or length of assessment :- 2500 word report + Excel Spread sheet
Unit learning outcomes :-
1. Identify data requirements and the appropriate data collection instruments required for effective business decision making
2.Conduct appropriate analysis and clearly communicate findings to a stated audience
BSS004-1 WBES Data Analysis Assignment 2 – UK

What am I required to do in this assignment?
You have been provided with an edited subset of survey data collected by some international organisations like the World Bank Enterprise survey (WBES) Transparency International etc. The data set provides some variables on economic situation as well as obstacles facing business organization. Your organisation a manufacturing firm is considering opening a branch each in THREE African countries.
Your research department has asked you to analyse the data set for ALL the countries and advice the company on the preferred countries to set these branches in their order of perceived relevance. They are interested in assessing the impact of these variables on business activities.
Your tasks:
1.Analyse data.
a. You should present a brief description of the company’s product.
b. Explore the data provided in order to gain an understanding of the information required by your organisation.
c. Analyse the data using appropriate summary statistic.
d. Highlight interesting findings.
e. Make recommendations to your organisation about the possible countries to set these branches.
2.Present your work in the form of a report in Word.
Suggested steps:
1. Familiarise yourself with the data by using Excel’s facilities like sorting, filtering, etc.
2. Extract the required data from the Excel file provided.
3. Conduct a visual examination of the data by plotting appropriate charts.
4. Calculate some standard statistics (e.g., mean, median, mode, etc.).
5. Conduct additional analysis that you feel is appropriate to address the tasks
BSS004-1 WBES Data Analysis Assignment 2 – UK

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
a. Demonstrate competence in a range of skills in Excel including charting and use of functions
b. Select appropriate techniques to explore and summarise a given data set
c. Highlight and communicate results to the relevant audience
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.
How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
Every week we will be using Excel in the workshop sessions to enhance your skills in Excel. We will cover Excel facilities like sorting filtering pivot tables charting etc. We will also use Excel’s functions such as Sum, Average Min Max etc. In addition we will practice creating formulae in Excel.