BSS030-2 Planning Careers And Employability Assignment – UK

Unit title & code :- Planning Careers and Employability BSS030-2 (Sem 1 22_23)
Assignment number and title :- Assignment 1 ‘Fail to Plan, and you Plan to Fail
Assessment type :- Written Introduction and Portfolio
Weighting of assessment :- 40%
Size or length of assessment :- 1,000 word Introductory summary plus 6 appendices
BSS030-2 Planning Careers And Employability Assignment – UK

BSS030-2 Planning Careers And Employability Assignment

Unit learning outcomes :-
1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
 Evaluate the current developments in recruitment and the requirements for successful employability
2.2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
 Articulate a personal development plan to strengthen and evidence your capabilities and demonstrate what you have to offer employers through different phases of the application and selection process

What am I required to do in this assignment?
This assignment is designed to enable you to become business-ready and to utilize your remaining studies to enable you to compete successfully in your chosen graduate employment sector.

BSS030-2 Planning Careers And Employability Assignment – UK

1.You will produce an introductory written summary 1,000 words In this you will analyse how the initial activities: designing a WIX website setting up a Linked In account and connecting with others writing a tailored CV completing the IBM application form which has been provided with job details provided researching and talking to an employer of your choice completing the skills audit form provided studying telephone video face to face interviews and pitch presentations have prepared you for work.

Comment on the use of social media in the form of a personal website and benefit of Linked In contacts to promote yourself and network. Also analyse how the skills audit questionnaire completion has enabled you to evaluate gaps in your knowledge and
skills. Comment on how the interview with an employer and additional research into the company enabled you to prepare tailored documentation based on the current requirements of your chosen industry.

In addition you will need to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses identifying how well you currently meet person specifications for the sort of positions you hope to gain after your first degree.

2.You will produce appendices comprising documentation required for the various stages of the application process and a discussion with an employer about what they are looking for.

The appendices to include:
Completion of the Skills Audit Question naire provided using STAR to give clear
examples Notes from a discussion with an employer on what they look for in a graduate and complete research on the company suitable for Interview preparation on the form provided.

Completion of a Tailored Application Form(IBM form provided, applying for business consultancy graduate role provided)
Compose your Tailored CV with links to Personal Profile and
Linked In profile with contacts added

What do I need to do to pass? Threshold Expectations from UIF
In order to pass Assignment 1 you will need to:

 Identify quantifiable gaps in your knowledge and personal skills through the process of completing a gap analysis utilizing and producing documentation required for the application process currently in operation for industries relevant to your course.

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.

How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
The assignment allows you to showcase what you have learnt in the scheduled sessions in a manner that prepares you for real job applications. It develops you as a person in relation to knowing your self better and how to differentiate what you can bring to the company particularly when making applications for graduate schemes and for professional roles.

BSS030-2 Planning Careers And Employability Assignment – UK

BSS030-2 Planning Careers And Employability Assignment

In the scheduled sessions you will develop high level communication interpersonal skills and digital and information skills that prepare you for functioning in complex multi cultural and multi professional environments. This is achieved through interactive lectures followed by group work relevant experiences which take you out of your comfort zone and develop soft skills employer talks and discussion activities that draw on your experiences and build confidence. The unit is designed to inspire you to enjoy learning and have high and realistic ambitions. It is fully supported by Breo.

Topics covered in the first 6 weeks include:

Online presence – preparing a Personal WIX and Linked In profile with contacts.
Skills Gap analysis and initial development planning
Looking at Prospects and Target to know the market and shape your dreams Employer inter viewing and research career office and professional body information Preparation of documentation. Tailored Application Form Tailored CV Online tests and telephone interviews

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