BSS058-6 Contemporary External Strategic Environment Assignment – UK

Unit title & code :- Strategy and the Global Competitive Environment BSS058-6 Referral Assignment
Assignment number and title :- 1. Contemporary External Strategic Environment: Scenario Development
Assignment type :- PJ-Art
Weighting of assignment :- 40%
Size or length of assessment :- Power Point (total 2,400 words)
BSS058-6 Contemporary External Strategic Environment Assignment – UK

BSS058-6 Contemporary External Strategic Environment Assignment

Unit learning outcomes :-
1. Nature and purpose of strategy strategic analysis its theoretical under pinnings and implications for marketing. Demonstrate an analytic and persuasive under standing of the strategy process

2. Think strategically and increased confidence handling and discussing complex current events Deploy analytical tools of strategic and marketing management synthesise evaluate and develop appropriate strategic and marketing options.

What am I required to do in this assignment?

Task :-
You will produce Power Point slides that use appropriate tools and frame works to:
 Identify key future trends in one of the industries listed below
 Assessment the potential impact of these trends on the industry that you have chosen to study.
 Based on this analysis will create a scenario grid which develops 4 different scenarios for the industry.
 Describe the scenarios.

Choose one from the following or from the industry in which you currently work.
 Health and Social Care
 Logistics industry
 Oil and Gas
 Marketing industry
 Digital Technology Management
 Human Resource Management
 Finance

Many of these will have distinct sectors so it is suggested that you focus on one sector rather than attempt a broad overview (make sure that you can get sufficient information).

Your work should be based on thorough analysis from up to date and reliable sources.
 Your Power Point should be no more than 10 slides. Each slide should show the development of the analysis and the evidence behind it (relevant data etc.).
 The slides should also show the use of tools. For example if you use a PESTEL, show the key points and the evidence from your research. Do not describe how the tools works or why they were chosen.
 References must be included in the slides (e.g the sources of the data).
 You must justify the selection of the two dimensions of the scenario grid (i.e why are these the most important and significant developments in the industry?)
 The 4 scenarios must be based on the scenario grid and should show how each potential scenario would have a strategic impact this may be from the perspective of the customer behaviour or the companies in the industry).

BSS058-6 Contemporary External Strategic Environment Assignment – UK

The total word count should total 2400 words so you need to be precise with the information shown in the slides

In order to successfully produce this you must
o Conduct a thorough analysis of the future trends and developments in your chosen industry sector
o You should use the findings from your analysis to develop identify two key areas that will drive the industry sector (these are known as ‘scenario dimensions’).
o Conduct the analysis using appropriate tools selected from your Strategy Tool box.
o Provide appropriate references
o Produce slides and notes that are appropriate standard for a business meeting

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

Collect and critically analyse to an acceptable level relevant data to identify and analyse the given strategic environment from the perspective of a real firm select and apply relevant strategic frame works or approaches to generate critical insights
relevant to the organization.

Note: You do not analyse the firm but you will find it useful to identify a firm in order to select a particular industry for this assignment. In this assignment there is no need to make reference to the firm.

BSS058-6 Contemporary External Strategic Environment Assignment – UK

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
Produce a professional and compelling evaluation of a contemporary external environment and develop alternative scenarios based on this analysis. Produce detailed evidence notes showing the analysis that informs the development of the Scenarios. Assignments attracting the highest marks will be focused, analytical and evidenced thoroughly.

The slides should be well organized and clear with relevant information as if being prepared for a professional business.

Your submission is analytical throughout and draws on a good range of quality sources.

You should include key references in your slides and include a reference section. References will not be included in the word count.

You will attract marks for good critical analysis Organise your work and communicate professionally. Please ensure your submission is all your own work. Poorly referenced work or work purchased from an external source will result in the work being submitted as a potential academic offence.

BSS058-6 Contemporary External Strategic Environment Assignment – UK

In summary to achieve the highest marks you will need to evaluate and critically analyse. The assignment needs focus and to provide clear articulation of the scenarios.

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

The sessions are about thinking strategically and making strategic judgments about both the changing world around us and the strategies of all sorts of organisations in a variety of uncertain contexts.

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