Assignment 2 – Risk management report
Assessment weighting – 50%
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the assignment, you should be able to;
1.Research a topic and critically appraise the content of associated documents
and papers in order to ascertain their validity and contribution to the subject area.
2.Analyse the principles of environment and culture and the relevance within organisations.
3.Develop written skills required for a university assignment submission at level 7.
(BUS1160) RISK Management Assignment Green Wich Of UK

Assignment brief
Risk identification is an essential part of the process of Risk Management of projects.Your company, which is involved in management of the HS2 project, has requested for a review of the methods used to identify risks associated with the HS 2 project’s current phase. As part of the preparations for the remaining phases, you have been given a role to lead the team to review the methods used in order to identify the ones that can/cannot be used in the remaining phases.
Using the existing literature and reports related to the HS2 project, prepare a report demonstrating and critically analysing the various methods used for identifying associated HS2 risks in the current construction phases (see the attachment). Based on your knowledge and research, propose alternative methods that would be suitable for the HS2 project’s remaining phases.
Your tasks:
1.with use of project examples, review the academic and grey literature on risk identification criteria used for mega projects.
2.critically analyse the risk identification techniques used for HS2 project.
3.recommend alternative methods to be considered in future risk identification process of the final phases of HS2 project.
General Instructions
1.Working individually, you are to write report (using headings and subheadings) as set out in the task above.
2.The report is to be fully referenced and all sources of information must be correctly identified and cited within the text. Reference Indexes are to be separately provided at the end of the report.
3.The Harvard System of referencing should be used. Academic neglect to reference your work correctly will lead to a poor mark and possible failure of this assignment.
4.The word count is to be 2500 words +/- 10% (excluding reference section and any appendices).
5.Note that you should use 12 Font size and Calibri or Arial Font – Times New Roman should not be used.
6.Reports will only be accepted via the electronic hand in system “Turnitin”. Late submissions will not be accepted or marked.
(BUS1160) RISK Management Assignment Green Wich Of UK

Plagiarism and Copying
It is not acceptable to copy other students’ coursework or material directly from your sources of information. This is plagiarism. If you copy material it will be highlighted by the Turnitin system that is used for on-line submissions. The copied content will not be marked, and you may be referred to the Plagiarism Panel and will be awarded a zero mark. Your final mark transcript will also show that you have been penalised
for submitting plagiarised material.
We will ignore small matches associated with common phrases and terms and will ignore matches highlighted in your reference list when considering whether or not your work is plagiarised.
As a rule, you should aim to get your similarity index into the “green” zone on Turnitin. If you are in the “amber” zone you will need to look very carefully at your work to see what you can put into your own words to reduce your score. High amber scores may be referred to the plagiarism panel and will certainly mean that a significant part of your work will not be considered in the marking. If you are in the “red” zone you will be referred to the plagiarism panel.
(BUS1160) RISK Management Assignment Green Wich Of UK

We strongly advise you to submit a final draft through Turnitin well before the cut-off date to check your similarity index. Please remember that you are only allowed to submit one draft version of your coursework each day so leave yourself plenty of time to revise and resubmit your final version of the coursework.
Assessment criteria
The following assessment criterion is presented as a guide to the marks available for this work and each section of your paper should be reflective of this weighting.