MODULE TITLE: International Operations Strategy and Innovation
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria specific to this assignment:
On completion of the assignment students should be able to demonstrate their ability to:
1) Evaluate International Operations Management real-world scenarios.
2) Identify and interpret issues problems and practices that characterise International Operations Management.
3) Critically evaluate and appraise the role that innovation plays in the development of Operations Management techniques in different national and cultural settings.
4) Critically assess the approaches for developing a culture of creativity and innovation in an organisation.
BUS7079 International Operations Strategy And Innovation Assignment – UK

Number of attempts :
Please note that, under the University Academic Regulations you are entitled to only two attempts to pass each assignment. You are strongly advised to take every opportunity to submit work as failure to submit counts as a fail. Should you fail an assignment, it is very important that you arrange a tutorial with the marker so that you can improve your work.
Please read the full regulations available on the Course page.
1.Assessment Overview
1.1 Rationale
The aim of this module is to explore the diverse range of activities that comprise the area of International Operations Management, innovation, new product or service development and the need for leadership when introducing change initiatives. Specifically the module is designed to enable you to appreciate the truly international nature of the modern firm and how many processes are now undertaken across national borders.
The module therefore supports the philosophy of the MSc Management and International Business
degree in that it consolidates:
• The interaction of contextual forces impacting on an international organisation
• The integrative strategic themes of the International Business pathway
The module takes a ‘theory to practice’ approach to illustrate the theoretical positions under discussion in the classroom. This supports the Course philosophy of intellectual and vocationally relevant learning. As such, you will explore the tasks issues and many real day to day examples and decisions that are necessary to manage processes internationally within organisations and across the supply chain. Specifically the module is designed to enable you to gain an understanding of the strategic issues associated with managing the operations of international companies in a changing international business environment, to help them develop a critical appreciation of the operational problems of an international company from the viewpoint of the major business functions.In addition the module is designed to provide you with a thorough grounding on how organisations might deal with various aspects of innovation and how the development of a robust strategy for innovation can lead to sustainable competitive advantage.
A key thrust of this programme of study is that achieving a sustainable competitive strategy particularly in the context of disruptive change, is dependent upon organisations and their operations fostering a culture of innovation and creativity. Therefore this module is designed to allow aspiring international managers to improve the overall operations performance by developing an innovation capacity in their current and future careers. It will help you to develop an understanding of how context influences performance and how organisations must change and learn as their context changes. It will identify the role that innovation and creativity plays in organisational learning and development
To pass this module you must achieve a final overall mark of at least 50%. Failure to achieve a pass after the second attempt will result in the student being withdrawn from the course.
2.Assessment Brief
The module is assessed through a 3,000-word individual coursework report exploring the approaches that international firms utilise within their operations for products or services and how creativity and innovation can be used to improve the overall business performance. This should cover all the four learning outcomes as expressed in the marking criteria.
2.1 Required task(s)
To assess the 4 Module Learning Outcomes the assignment asks you to:
Imagine that you have been appointed as an external innovation management consultant to an inter national or multinational organisation that you currently work in The list of the organisations you should consider is available on Moodle and in the Appendix section of this document). Using published sources such as journal articles textbooks news paper entries and the internet your task is to research and report to the CEO/MD with an action plan that takes into account the operational financial and resource constraints that the organisation faces in using innovation to become more competitive.
The plan must be both engaging and implementable.
BUS7079 International Operations Strategy And Innovation Assignment – UK

2.2 Word count
The word limit is for your coursework assignment and does not cover material submitted as an appendix. Material submitted as an appendix provides background for your coursework, but it will not be marked unless specified in the brief. Also, it is important that you cross-refer between the main text of your assignment and any appendices, in order to demonstrate the linkage, and that the appendices do not constitute additional material unrelated to that included in the body of your assignment. If you do not refer to this work in the Appendix then this included work in the Appendices are not marked.
Your references page will not be included in the word count, but inline citations used in the main body of the assignment (e.g. Smith and Jones (2010) identified that…) will be included in the word count.
You are required to declare the number of words used in your assignment. If you produce less than or exceed the stipulated word count by more than 10%, a deduction of the mark awarded will be made to reflect that you have not met the assessment requirements.
2.3 Marking scheme
Higher marks will be earned where students follow the Marking Criteria and particularly those who demonstrate evidence of wide reading and research around the application of the International operations management and innovation theories identified within the module in the context of the organization. All students will be expected to develop a critical awareness of the issues problems and practices that characterise International Operations and the role that innovation can play in improving these.
There will also be higher marks awarded for presentation i.e. Clarity of expression, use of logical arguments and grammar syntax spelling as well as appropriate structuring of the assignment and Harvard referencing.
2.4 Drafts
Your lecturer will look at only one draft version of your work or part of it up to 1 week before the hand-in date. This way you can use this ‘formative’ feedback to develop your work further. This feedback does not contribute towards a pass or fail mark. Drafts are not graded or assessed the purpose of these is for you to gain feedback for improving your work. Guidance can be sought by speaking to your lecturer if there are any areas of concern or by arranging an appointment via e-mail.
2.5 Submission
Your report should be submitted online through Turnitin via the link provided in the Assessment area of the modules Moodle site. Hard copy submissions will not be accepted. Please follow the University policy regarding online submission and submitting assignments on time (see Page 1). You should also submit your work through the ‘test’ Turnitin to ensure you abide by the rules on plagiarism. You should attach the assessment feedback form together with the marking criteria to your work before submitting for marking.
2.6 Formatting and presentation
The assignment should be word-processed and 1.5 line spaced. Use of bullet points should be avoided or used sparingly.
I.Use Arial size 11 point for your assignments fully justified
II.Each page should be numbered except for the contents pages (if any)
III. Presentation must be formal in language and style and must ad here to the structure given above
BUS7079 International Operations Strategy And Innovation Assignment – UK
2.7 Referencing
All work should be referenced using the Harvard format there are handouts available online at the library website and are available as hard copy in the library if you are unsure of this.
Do not use popular websites like Wikipedia Google or Yahoo the former is not peer assessed and the work is not always reliable and the later are search engines.
Use textbooks and journal articles (newspaper articles may at times be acceptable). You should however make more reliance on journal articles as these are peer reviewed and are often more recent than text books. If you are to use text books these should be the latest so it is important to check whether you have the latest edition.
Citations should be used very minimally and in limited circumstances, you may reference lecture material such as handouts and presentation slides.