Unit title: Ethical Dilemmas
Unit code: CBB259
Task 1
When the UK government called for volunteers to support NHS workers and vulnerable people during the COVID-19 pandemic, 750,000 people responded. It is important that these volunteers adopt a reflective, ethical
approach to providing support, assistance and care. Your task is to explain what important ethical principles involve and to provide an example of how a volunteer could apply them in practice.
CBB259 Ethical Dilemmas Assignment Open College Network London UK.

CBB259 Ethical Dilemmas Assignment

a) You need to choose 4 subjects from the list below to focus on:
1.Confidentiality (avoiding inappropriate disclosure of information)
2.Autonomy (services users choice v paternalism)
3.Justice (distribution of resources)
4.Risk management (safety v promoting service user independence)
5.Beneficence and Non-Maleficence (doing good and avoiding doing harm)

b)For each subject, write a jargon-free, accessible explanation of what the ethical principle involves and how an ethical dilemma relating to it could occur in a health or social care setting.

c)You should provide an example of how a volunteer could put this principle into practice when providing support, assistance or care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You should present your work in a table like the one below, writing a maximum of 400 words in total.

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Task 2
This will be an essay of 1400 words (plus or minus 10%) which will require you to analyse in detail two of the issues explained in task 1. Your essay title is:
Analyse possible ways of resolving at least two ethical dilemmas (from the case studies at the end of this document) by individual care workers and/or agencies which demonstrates examples of good and bad practice. In this you should provide, from contrasting ethical perspectives, ethical justifications for conflicting decisions.

a.Ensure you have read widely sources (textbooks, professional journals, using online sources) and have used your own words throughout, referencing any sources clearly (in-text and a bibliography)
b.It is important to avoid personal opinions in your reasoning, such as ‘I feel’, ‘I think’ or ‘in my opinion’.
c.In terms of bad practice, you need to consider the dangers of paternalism and making decisions which override human rights.
d.Ensure you have clearly stated the word count of your essay. Work must not exceed the word limits given as this could affect the grading. Work that exceeds the word limit excessively will not be assessed beyond stated word allowance.
e.To achieve higher grades, carefully read through the merit and distinction guidance below.

Learning outcomes:
This is what you will learn on the unit.
The learner will:
1.Understand the range of dilemmas faced by health and social care workers
2.Understand the ways individual care workers and agencies handle ethical dilemmas
3.Understand ethical justifications for decision making with regard to dilemmas

CBB259 Ethical Dilemmas Assignment

Assessment criteria:
This is what you must be able to demonstrate that you can do in your assignment in order to achieve the unit.

The learner can:
1.1 Explain in detail a range of dilemmas faced by health and social workers
2.1 Analyse the handling of a range of dilemmas by individual care workers and agencies supported by examples of good and bad practice
3.1 Analyse ethical justifications for conflicting decision from contrasting ethical perspectives

Level 3 units only:
Learners achieve a Pass if they meet all Level 3 Assessment Criteria for a unit. You will achieve a Merit or Distinction by meeting the following Grade Descriptors. Your tutor will give you feedback for all three grades.

GD1: Understanding of the subject
1.Your responses to the tasks will demonstrate that you have a sound and broad understanding of ethical principles and perspectives in that you can identify these in situations that occur in health care practice. You should draw on a range of sources.
2.Your work will display a general understanding of how different ethical principles can conflict which each other within a professional code of conduct. In terms of decision making you should show how subjectivity might impact on decision making in ethical dilemmas.

GD2: Application of knowledge
1.Your work will demonstrate an ability to generally apply ethical concepts so that you can show you clearly understand in some depth, that the process making ethical decisions should underpin all the actions of health and social care works.
2.You will be able to analyse situations where there are ethical dilemmas in terms of health and social care practice, particularly in relation to the sort of decisions you might have to make as a practitioner.
3.You should also be able to provide a broad explanation of the impact of decisions made by other health care workers such as doctors on service users and the relevance of this to the work of a health care professional.
4.Your answers will infer relationships amongst your sources so that you demonstrate the ability to generally analyse and justify the information being presented.

GD7: Quality
1.You will write concisely demonstrating considered editing and proof reading skills. There should be few spelling and grammatical errors.
2.The information you use should be generally accurate to respond to each task. Your answers should be generally relevant, clearly linked to the tasks set and be supported by appropriate and up to date information.
3.You will have generally used the Harvard referencing style accurately with most sources clearly listed with generally correct formatting.

GD1: Understanding of the subject
1.Your responses to the tasks will demonstrate that you have an outstanding understanding of ethical principles and perspectives in that you can consistently identify these in complex dilemmas which occur in health and social care practice. You will make use of a wide range of sources which are of high academic credibility.
2.You should have an in-depth understanding of how ethical principles can conflict which each other within a professional code of conduct and why these inconsistencies can occur. In your answer you should demonstrate an insightful understanding of how subjectivity can be highly problematic in
making decisions in ethical dilemmas. This might involve socio-cultural influences.

GD2: Application of knowledge
 Your work should demonstrate the ability to consistently apply ethical concepts to show that you understand in depth that the process making ethical decisions should underpin all the actions of health and social care works in a range of different circumstances.
 You will be able to repeatedly analyse situations where there are ethical dilemmas in terms of health and social care practice, particularly in relation to the sort of decisions you might have to make as a practitioner.
 You should also be able to explain with clarity, the impact of decisions made by other health care workers such as doctors on service users and the relevance of this to the work of a health care professional.
 Your answers will infer relationships amongst your sources so that you demonstrate the ability to consistently analyse and justify the information being presented.

CBB259 Ethical Dilemmas Assignment Open College Network London UK.

GD7: Quality

  • You will write succinctly throughout using only relevant information from consistently reliable and current sources.
  • You will have proofread your work carefully, so there should be only minor spelling and grammatical errors. The information you use should be accurate to respond to each task.
  • You will have used the Harvard referencing style accurately with all sources clearly shown in text and correctly formatted in the bibliography.
  • You will have adhered to the word limit in each task.
  • In task 2, you will follow the formal conventions of an essay. It will have an introduction and conclusion. You will not use bullet points or include images or subheadings.

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CBB259 Ethical Dilemmas Assignment

Case Studies:
Case Study 1
Jackie is a care worker in a supported living facility for those with severe learning difficulties. Holly is a 45 year old woman with severe learning difficulties who cannot communicate verbally but uses Makaton to communicate. Jackie is concerned that Holly’s finger nails are long and dangerous as she is scratching herself. Jackie decides to cut them as part of what Jackie felt were personal needs although Holly did not seem to want Jackie to do this at first. Jackie’s manager then expresses concern and initiates a disciplinary procedure as she felt Holly’s rights have been violated in that she did not seem to have been given a choice and
there was no consultation with others in the team. Jackie has taken the view that she is acting in Holly’s best interest and has a duty of care.

Case Study 2
Ty is a social worker with a heavy caseload of adult clients with diverse support needs and this has been increased due to a colleague’s sickness. Ty tells his manager that he is struggling to divide his time equally and fairly between the clients as he has two cases that are demanding a lot of attention. These two cases are high risk and involve children. His
manager says that she is unable to lighten Ty’s caseload. Ty is very distressed as he feels torn between trying to meet all his clients’ needs fairly or by prioritising the two high risk cases but in doing so disadvantaging his other clients and letting them down.

CBB259 Ethical Dilemmas Assignment Open College Network London UK.

Case Study 3
Temi and Phil have been residents in the same care home for a number of years. Both have lost their spouses and, though they feel they could not live anywhere else, are mentally competent. They have recently become very close and seem to have a relationship, although their respective families do not seem to be aware how intimate they have become. One day when Temi’s son is visiting, he goes into her room to find Temi and Phil in bed with each other. Temi’s son demands that they be ‘kept separate’ as he feels she has been abused or he will move her (as he pays for Temi’s care). Temi has said she feels this is entirely her business to do what she chooses as she has a right to privacy and a relationship and that no-one should interfere. The manager reluctantly agrees that she will try to do as Temi’s son wishes.

Case Study 4
Jordan is admitted to hospital as he has been found to have TB. He is being nursed in isolation and as, a result of investigations, he is found to have contracted syphilis. Jordan is a 33 year old married man who has recently been involved in casual sex with men. His wife is unaware that he is bisexual and Jordan has made it clear that under no circumstances is
his wife to be informed. However, it is likely that his wife is infected so he wants the hospital staff to ask their GP to treat her without giving her a diagnosis. Jordan says he loves his wife and she will be devastated; therefore, it is his wish to do all he can to keep his marriage together. He demands that the medical and nursing staff respect his confidentiality or he will discharge himself. The doctors say Jordan’s wife must be told and that she cannot be treated without giving informed consent.

Case Study 5
Chelsea is a young woman who has a history of depression since her teens following the breakup of her parent’s marriage. She is now at university but is finding the pressure too great. On a visit to the campus GP centre for treatment for a skin condition, the practice nurse notices she has cuts on her arms and legs. Marie, the practice nurse, asks Chelsea if there is a problem and if she is self-harming. Chelsea becomes very distressed and voices what Marie fears are suicidal thoughts. Chelsea recovers her poise but asks Marie not to put this information in her notes as she does not want this recorded or anyone else to know. Marie is not sure where to go next.

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CBB259 Ethical Dilemmas Assignment

Case Study 6
Abdul, a support worker in a supported living village, is worried about what he should do about Megan. She is a 22 year old woman who has mild to moderate learning difficulties and mental health problems with sometimes challenging behaviour. He is aware that Megan is about 5 stones overweight and is gaining weight. Her problems with weight management are linked to medication. However, the staff use food that she likes, especially sweets, cakes and ice cream, as a means of controlling her behaviour. Megan really looks forward to meal times and gets a lot of pleasure from eating. Any suggestion that food may not be forth coming is a means which Abdul has seen staff use to ensure Megan’s compliance.
Abdul feels for her own good that Megan should be on a diet but fears that this would make her unhappy and that other staff would sabotage this plan.

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