Unit title(s): Disability and Social Inclusion
Unit code(s): CBB274
Mark Walsh
Description of Assignment: Jenny Morris (1993, p.162 cited in Shakespeare 2012, p.265), a disability rights campaigner, writes, ‘Independent living is about both human and living rights. If a disabled person does not have
control over the very basic activities of daily living then they cannot hope even to begin to participate in society on an equal basis’.
CBB274 Disability And Social Inclusion Assignment-UK

Your task is to write an information guide for someone wishing to promote the rights and opportunities of disabled people in the UK. You should tailor your guide to a particular type of disability and age group (children, adolescent, adults of working age or elderly/pension age).
Your guide should:
Part 1: Clearly explain contemporary issues regarding disabilities, making reference to the medical and social models of disability. You should focus on the nature of a named condition or impairment and the ways people who experience it can find themselves socially excluded in UK society.
Part 2: Disabled people often have additional needs for aids/equipment, assistance and support to enable them to meet their personal and daily living needs. In relation to your chosen group, identify three sources of funding and analyse the issues disabled people experience in accessing and using it.
Part 3: Disability discrimination is unlawful in the United Kingdom. Outline the main provisions of legislation that aim to protect and promote the rights of disabled people and evaluate its effectiveness in promoting social inclusion for the group of disabled people you have chosen.

GD 1: Understanding of the subject
Your guide will have, in part one, an insightful discussion of contemporary issues regarding disabilities with clear explanations of the three models of disabilities.
In part two, you will analyse up-to-date legislation and policies and provide clear explanations of how this impacts on funding for people with disabilities.
In part three, you will identify relevant laws, models and reports which promote equality of opportunity and provide an insightful evaluation of the effectiveness of this legislation.
CBB274 Disability And Social Inclusion Assignment-UK

GD2: Application of knowledge
Throughout your guide, you will link your examples, explanations and analysis to the situation of the person with the disability and the age group that you have chosen to focus upon. You will generally select relevant examples and focus on relevant aspects of legislation. Your interpretation of legislation and policies will generally be accurately applied.
GD7: Quality
Overall, you will write concisely and communicate your ideas, analysis and information in a generally fluent manner. You will have made some consideration of the audience for your guide. You will have used a good range of appropriate sources such as peer reviewed journal articles and government websites. You will reference your work in-text and in a bibliography, which will use the Harvard system.
GD1: Understanding of the subject
Your guide will demonstrate an in-depth understanding of disability and social inclusion and how individuals are supported through policies and legislation. You will use up-to-date examples, research and statistics from reputable sources to support your points. You will demonstrate an excellent understanding of the three models of disabilities and relevant theories.
GD2: Application of knowledge
Your guide will consistently be linked to the situation of the person with the disability and the age group that you have chosen to focus upon. You will consistently select examples relevant to the person’s situation and focus on relevant legislation. If relevant, you may demonstrate an understanding of why certain examples or legislation would not impact on your person or compare their situation to that of others.
CBB274 Disability And Social Inclusion Assignment-UK

GD7: Quality
You will consistently write concisely in a manner that communicates your ideas, analysis and information in a way that can be understood by the audience for your guide. You will consistently use reliable and reputable sources to support your points, such as peer reviewed journals and government websites. You will reference your work accurately in-text and in a bibliography, following the Harvard system. You will keep to the specified word limits.
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