MODULE TITLE : Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
TITLE OF ASSESSMENT:- Network Scanning
This assignment contributes 50% to your final module mark Please ensure that you retain a duplicate of your assignment work as a safeguard in the unlikely event of your work being lost or corrupted online.
CETM30 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity Assignment – UK

CETM30 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity Assignment

1. Ability to evaluate the principles of digital forensics and cyber security with an under standing of where and how these principles should be applied.
2. Ability to analyse and evaluate the evidentiary legal and ethical issues and the professional requirements and challenges facing digital forensics and cyber security practitioners.
3. Detailed understanding of the environment for cybersecurity and digital forensic tools and techniques.
4. Aptitude to produce solution designs for computer systems security including simple countermeasures to improve the robustness of system security to address identified vulnerabilities and weaknesses and to implement these solutions.
5. Ability to apply the principles of computational modelling to digital forensics and cyber security.

The learning outcomes are achieved by developing a technical paper (IEEE) based upon the practical use of hacking/penetration testing tool and analysing the effects the tool has on a computer network along with identifying and testing counter measures to increase security.

You are required to submit your work within the bounds of the University’s Assessment Regulations (see your Programme Guide). Plagiarism information from external sources will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely. The coursework submission for this module is largely based upon your own practice but where you do use material from other sources for example an occasional short quote this should be duly referenced. It is important to note that your work

WILL BE SUBJECT TO CHECKS FOR ORIGINALITY, which WILL include use of an electronic plagiarism detection service.

Where you are asked to submit an individual piece of work, the work must be entirely your own. The safety of your assessments is your responsibility. You must not permit another student access to your work at any time during the inception design or development of your coursework submission and must take great care in this respect.

Where referencing is required unless otherwise stated, the Harvard referencing system must be used (see your Programme Guide or university library website).

This assignment consists of carrying out research into the nmap tool and developing a technical paper in IEEE format (Word and Latex templates provided all referencing for this assessment must use numbered IEEE format.

The assignment is designed to enable you to examine the effects of carrying out reconn aissance using a specific security tool on a network.

The assignment submission must be your own work and where you have used some one else’s words quoted or paraphrased it should be correctly referenced in accordance with the IEEE requirements.

You are required to write an IEEE format paper titled: A technical investigation into port scanning using nmap.

n map can carry out port scanning of a subnet a specific range of machines or a specific machine. In this assignment you should focus on port scanning a single machine

All work must be carried out inside the provided virtualised honeypot. At no stage should any investigation be carried out on a public or private network without prior permission from the company who own the network!

CETM30 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity Assignment – UK

CETM30 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity Assignment

You are required to investigate one of the following TCP scanning techniques.
• SYN Scan (-sS)
• Xmas Scan (-sX)

The paper should cover the investigation of the nmap tool command line options etc. and how they effect a scan) and how it performs the scans network analysis using wire shark. The paper should also include possible counter measures to prevent or inhibit the tool in carrying out the scans. (e.g., research iptables and other techniques).
The counter measure component does not need to be implemented and can be discussion of the possible counter measure techniques.

Your paper should discuss the protocol that is being used to utilised to carry out the scan referring to the relevant component of the protocol standards and the intended purpose of the specific component. The report should discuss the specific aspects of the protocol that are being exploited by the tool i.e. a detailed analysis of the way the scans operate that is outside of the standard.

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