CIS007-3 Comparative Integrated Systems Assignment – UK

Unit title & Code :- CIS007-3 Comparative Integrated Systems
Assignment number and title :- 1
Assignment type :- Artifact submission (video based on code)
Weighting of assignment :- 70%
Size or length of assessment :- Video no longer than 10 minutes; see below for further requirements
Unit learning outcomes :-
1.Differentiate and critically question the reasons context and basic principles of a variety of programming architectures and paradigms relevant to industry standard software solutions.
2.Develop implement and critically appraise software solutions using different strategies paradigms and architectures
CIS007-3 Comparative Integrated Systems Assignment – UK

CIS007-3 Comparative Integrated Systems Assignment

What am I required to do in this assignment?
This assignment asks you to reflect on various concepts, paradigms and architectures related to Software Development. Based on your code you must do a video to discuss the four themes object orientation event driven programming interoper ability and virtual identity.
You will develop code in a main stream programming language chosen by you Your main submission is the video but you will also submit supporting evidence that shows that you worked on the code. have developed code for your main assessment you can reuse all or part of this code. The video must be new.
2.your code you must use at least one web service from an external provider Examples will be discussed in the lectures.

This is an individual assignment.

The Code :
You are asked to develop a game where users interact with questions of a mathematical nature. An example of such a game What is the value of the heart? will be provided as a ‘bare bone’ implementation in Java You can develop this code further or do your own code from scratch The final code must be sufficiently complex for you to produce a meaningful video.

1. A video of maximum 10 minutes length where you talk about your code and compare and reflect upon the four themes object-orientation interoper ability event driven programming and virtual identity.
2. Additional material to ac company the video this must include the full source code of a working implementation If you use any code from others other students or external web sites this must be referenced with in the documentation of the source code You may also include a transcript of the video design documentation evidence of testing and integration of external software. Note that this additional material is not marked directly but serves to inform the video.

Please note that this is an individual assignment. Although you can and should collaborate with other students you have to individually produce the video and you are individually responsible for the submission of all the additional material.You must also make clear what code has been written by you and where you used code from others.

Further Notes
Please check BREO regularly for further clarifications and details on the tasks.

Please note that copying someone else’s code is plagiarism and hence an academic offence. How ever the following is allowed and encouraged:

CIS007-3 Comparative Integrated Systems Assignment – UK

CIS007-3 Comparative Integrated Systems Assignment

To ask other students for help, to ask for guidance and help in internet forums use of example code that is available on the internet or in books use of third party scripts. Any such help must be clearly ac knowledged and referenced. Any embedded code which does not originate from you must be clearly marked as such how ever you can freely use the example code provided on the BREO site of the unit. If in doubt ask your tutor if and how you can use a particular source. References to other software used should be made in the format of comments in your code.

What do I need to do to pass?
I. Identify different programming languages architectures and paradigms with in code written by you.
II.Use and compare at least two different software architectures.

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
Note that the grade for this assignment is capped by 40 unless Mitigation has been approved.

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
In the lectures we have discussed the various topics that you will implement into code and discuss in the video. The practical sessions provide time and opportunity to discuss your progress with the tutor.

Example code has been be provided in Java.

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