Subject Code & Title : CIS049-3 Computer Science
Assignment type : Individual assignment
Weighting of assignment : 100%
Size or length of assessment :
Unit learning outcomes : On completion of this unit you should be able to
1.Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
Systematically research the context of a project and underpin the findings with primary data collected using an established research methodology.
2.Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
Manage and complete a major project related to Computer Science by creating a software arte fact using the rigorous application of a software development model(such as waterfall, UML or prototyping) together with an academic reflection on the development process.
CIS049-3 Computer Science Assignment – UK

CIS049-3 Computer Science Assignment

What am I required to do in this assignment?

3.1 Coursework – Arte fact, 35% of the unit,

The exact nature of your artefact will depend on your chosen topic, and it should be agreed by your supervisor. Before your submission you will have discussed with your supervisor how the arte fact is to be submitted. For instance, a software project submission will include a .zip file that contains a copy of all developmental and executable files including a user guide.

Check unit handbook for course-based artifact

3.2 Coursework – Project Report, 35% of the unit,
The exact nature of your report will depend on your chosen topic. However, your submission will consist of:
• a project report, the report should be a maximum of 70 pages double-spaced minimum font size 12pt.
• a project proposal as an appendix
• a poster as an appendix

The project proposal should be submitted in week 4 along with the ethic form, but it will not be marked. It will be used for your supervisor to check and sign the ethic form.

Guideline to produce report and poster will be provided on BREO.

3.3 PR-Oral, 30% of the unit, due date: arranged by supervisor between

Approximately a week after your submission you will present your project during a Viva. This will be a verbal presentation that covers the main aspects of your project. You should use a printed copy of your poster for your presentation. The Viva will be approximately 15 minutes including Q/A; however, it can take longer if this is felt necessary by the examiners to establish the academic merit of your work. Depending on your topic and the course you study you will be required to demonstrate a working arte fact during your viva.

CIS049-3 Computer Science Assignment – UK

CIS049-3 Computer Science Assignment

Note that the individual components (report, poster, arte fact, viva) need to be in alignment with each other and consistently present your project.

You will also attend the ‘poster exhibition day’ where your project is presented to University staff and invited guests

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass this assignment, you will need to:
• Write a academic report (thesis) which summaries your work for undergraduate project
• Submit a one-page poster about your project as appendix of final report;
• SUbmit code/video/simulation/hardware of your artefact;
• Attend viva.

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
In order to pass this assignment, you will need to:
• Write a academic report (thesis) which summaries your work for undergraduate project
• Submit a one-page poster about your project as appendix of final report;
• SUbmit code/video/simulation/hardware of your artefact;
• Attend viva.

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

In order to produce high quality work that merits a good/high grade, you need to address all the assessment requirements and threshold expectations stated above and following the comments in the Marks & Feedback section below.

CIS049-3 Computer Science Assignment – UK

CIS049-3 Computer Science Assignment

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

The scheduled teaching/learning sessions would help students in general of conducting and managing the project. The lecture will also guide students to produce the necessary reports, and gain essential knowledge and skills on, for example, conducting literature review, writing an academic report. This would equip students with necessary knowledge and skills to carry out the specified tasks in the assessments of this unit.

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