COMP11051 Business Technology And Design Assignment – UK

Subject Code & Title :-  COMP11051 Business Technology And Design
Assessment Type :-  Assignment
Building on Questions 1, 2 and 3 of the Mobile Business Coursework Report in relation to the same sector and same group:
COMP11051 Business Technology And Design Assignment – UK

COMP11051 Business Technology And Design Assignment

4. Conduct an investigation of widely available and used Mobile Apps for your chosen sector. Critically evaluate at least two Mobile Apps in your chosen sector in relation to their:

• Purpose and target audience
• Functionality
• Design principles
• User experience
• Added value for the user
• Any problems or issues you can identify with the Mobile App

You can include screen shots from the Mobile Apps to illustrate your points.

5. Design an outline for a possible Mobile App of your own relating to your chosen sector. Provide an overview of what the purpose of the Mobile App would be and why it is useful or important who it would be targeted at and some of its main features and functionality. You should provide a design prototype comprising at least ten screens for your Mobile App using appropriate paper-based prototyping methods or mock up software to illustrate what it might look like. A rationale for the user experience should be provided as well as the design principles that underpin the design prototype.

As a rough guide the answers to Questions 4 and 5 of the coursework report should be at least 3000-3500 words in length you can go over the word limit if you wish especially if you are in a group of 3 or 4). Please remember the number of words produced is not directly proportional to the number of marks gained.



This should be completed separately by every group member

Produce a critical reflection report (approximately 750-1000 words as a guide) which should cover the following areas:

– A critical reflection on potential future mobile business developments and technologies in relation to how they might impact the particular sector you chose for your coursework. Use appropriate evidence to justify your points.
– A critical reflection on what you consider to be the most important transferable knowledge and skills in order to be able to be able to successfully design develop and implement a mobile business strategy with in an organisation.
Use appropriate evidence to justify your points.

A critical reflection on what you consider to be the key do’s and don’ts for a company who is considering embarking on using mobile business technologies and applications as a means of improving its business performance and customer engagement. Use appropriate evidence to justify your points.

1.Should you have any problems with Aula you can contact the Aula Support team and they should be able to help you.

2.Read the Coursework Questions carefully.

3.You can under take the coursework in a group of up to 4 people. If you cannot find a group or do not wish to undertake the coursework in a group you can under take the course work alone.

4.Choose a sector that you can use for Q1, Q2, Q3, as well as Q4, Q5, Critical Reflection.

5.Do not change sectors for Q4 and Q5, Critical Reflection.

6.It is up to you which sector you choose – it could be an area you work in or have worked in or a sector that you are interested in. Example sectors could be Travel & Tourism Health Finance Computer Gaming Advertising News & Information Education Fashion Entertainment Shopping etc.

7.You do not need to get your chosen sector approved by Mark Stansfield or any tutors nor should you send it to me or any tutors for approval. It is up to students to under take the back ground reading and research in selecting a suitable sector.

8.The word count guidance is just guidance – it is not a rule, you can go over the word count if you wish – you will not incur any automatic penalty. You can go over the word limit if you wish especially if you are in a group of 3 or 4.

9.Have a look at the Sample Courseworks on Aula – this should give you a good idea as to what is expected – but do not copy work. It will show up in Turnitin. Please remember that these sample are of students who undertook the course work alone and not as part of a group. If you are undertaking the coursework in a group then you should strive to write more than what is shown in the sample courseworks.

10. A Turnitin similarity score of more than 20% should be looked at and reduced by student’s checking their draft submission. I do not get involved in this – it is for students to do this themselves.

11. Again read the coursework questions carefully – make sure you answer all area that you are asked to discuss. Most students fail because they have not answered the coursework questions.

12. Under take some background reading and research into mobile technologies and your chosen sector. Look on Google Google Scholar etc – there should be plenty of online articles reports papers web site etc than you can use and in your course work report.

13.Make sure you use appropriate authors evidence etc to back up points that you make. Throughout the report you must justify the points that you make rather than making un substantiated generalised statements.

14. When looking at sources – glance through them and think which coursework question(s) it might help you with – if none then move on to other sources.

15. You can use figures graphs charts screen shots etc in your report. Make sure they enhance your report. Don’t just fill your report with meaningless oversized pictures and logos that you think look nice just to fill out space – this is not kinder garten. Make sure that any figures graphs charts screen shots are informative and add value to your work. Have a look at the sample courseworks to see how previous students have done this.

COMP11051 Business Technology And Design Assignment – UK

16. You should use the Harvard style of referencing. See separate information sheet on this.

17. Your report layout and structure must be of as high standard with a cover page executive summary table of contents appropriate headings and subheadings page numbers appropriately labelled figures and tables a full list of references and appendices.

18. Font size should be typically 11 or 12 sized font for main body text and between 12 to 14 sized font for headings or subheadings.

19. The answers to Questions 1, 2 and 3 of the Mobile Business coursework should be submitted no later than FRIDAY 10th MARCH 2023, by 23:59 to Turnitin which will be set up on the module Aula site.

20. When answering Question 1 in terms of how the sector has evolved – don’t go back 100s of years – it should be with in the last 15-20 years. How the sector has evolved with in then modern mobile era.

21. In Question 2 don’t forget to include an ecosystem diagram for your sector.
Many students forget to include this and lose marks.
Also in this question be specific about mobile technologies and services and how they relate to your chosen sector.

COMP11051 Business Technology And Design Assignment – UK

COMP11051 Business Technology And Design Assignment

22. In Question 3 you are required to explore specific named case studies of named companies in your chosen sector. You could look at one example that has been very successful – what are the key factors that have contributed to its success ion using mobile technologies and services. You could look at another named company that perhaps failed in the area and use of mobile technologies. It is better to choose 3 examples and write a 2-3 pages on each (if you are part of a group) – providing a good level of depth rather than choosing 10 company examples and only writing a few lines on each.

COMP11051 Business Technology And Design Assignment – UK

23.The report should be well-researched. There is no limit to how many references
you can use but there should be a least 10-20 references used. You can use more if you wish.

24. Reasons why students fail the coursework:
a. They start too late – get started now.
b. They rush the coursework and produce weak work that lacks depth evidence and backing up of points – I can spot weak work a mile away – I’ve been doing this for over 30 years!
c. They don’t answer the coursework questions – read the questions carefully.
d. They do not listen and do not follow simple advice and instructions – you are Masters’ level students you should be able to do this.

25. I will be available every week on a Wednesday in Microsoft Teams to answer course work related questions and go through points. I will email you the Microsoft Teams links each week.

COMP11051 Business Technology And Design Assignment – UK

26.I’m not available 24 hours a day 7 days a week on-demand to answer your coursework questions. Generally speaking emails Microsoft Teams chat messages Aula communications sent to me are unlikely to be opened and answered at weekends during University holidays and weekdays between 5pm and 8.30am. Do not contact me during these days/times and expect a prompt response.

27.I am NOT available to look at coursework drafts. There are enough Wednesday coursework Microsoft Teams sessions when I am available enough samples and enough advice and guidance for you to figure this out – you are Masters’ level students.

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