Unit Code & Title :- COMP7061 Human Centred Design
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Unit Level :– 7
Credit Value of Unit :- 20
You are asked to conduct a usability study on a given web or mobile application the application is the same as the SUB) to identify usability issues and give recommendations for improvement.
COMP7061 Human Centred Design Assignment – UK

Your usability study consists of three deliverables: (1) a usability report (D1); (2) a new prototype (D2) and (3) a presentation (D3). The requirements for each of them are stated below.
D1: Usability Report
There are two options for the report and you are allowed to choose any of them.
For either option you choose your evaluation method must be different from last time For example if the pair work used heuristic evaluation, this time you must use cognitive walk through. Failure to do so you will receive a ZERO.
For OPTION 1 the report should cover the following contents :
1.An executive summary to highlight key findings and recommendations.
2.A context of use analysis.
3.A detailed usability evaluation using cognitive walkthrough OR heuristic evaluation.
4.Design recommendations for the issues based on 3 with the prototype link on InVISION.
For OPTION 2 the report should dover the following contents:
1.An executive summary to highlight key findings and recommendations.
2.A context of use analysis.
3.A detailed website navigation (both page-level and site-level) evaluation using think aloud OR cart sorting;
4.Design recommendations for the issues based on 3 with the prototype link on InVISION.
COMP7061 Human Centred Design Assignment – UK
The word count for the report is 2,500 words and the page limit is 20 pages in total including all tables figures references and appendices. Standard word count policy applies (i.e., word count is only for the main body excluding tables references and appendices).
D2: Prototype
1.It should be high fidelity (e.g., not wireframes, mockups).
2.It must be interactive (i.e., a user can trigger an action on the prototype).
3.It must be presented as a live InVision project
D3: Presentation
1.It should summarise the work you have done in a professional manner.
2.It should contain a walk-through for the new prototype.
3.It should be no more than 10 minutes and 10 slides.
The usability report (D1) should be presented using an industrial usability report template check Resources section for links and saved in PDF format. Word count should be clearly stated on the front page of the report.
The proto type (D2) should be made available as an InVISION project details about creating an InVISION educational account will follow). There is no limitation on the number of designs created for the prototype but it is recommended that the designs are saved in PNG format. The project must be shared with the Unit Leader properly for assessment. A link to the project should be included in the report.
The video presentation (D3) should be recorded and uploaded to YouTube along with the correct access privilege for the Unit Leader QA and External Examiner. A link to the presentation should be included in the report.
COMP7061 Human Centred Design Assignment – UK
The submission due date is the same for all deliverables (D1, D2 and D3). Your feedback and mark will be provided within four weeks of submitting your assignment.
Same as the SUB assignment, any broken link for the prototype or presentation will result in the relevant assessment part to be marked as ZERO non-recoverable.
To achieve a Pass :-
There are some relevant discussions about the context of use but a clear definition with good level of details has yet to be given. The chosen evaluation techniques/methods are used appropriately in most of the time but some under standing issues are revealed in the findings. The appraisal of the process and lessons learned are briefly addressed. The report is produced appropriately based on the template with some minor formatting issues. The structure and wording of the report may contain some errors but most of the report can be readily understood. The prototype design generally reflects the study findings but the quality can be improved. The planning, organisation, and use of media in the presentation slides are adequate.
To achieve a higher mark:
The context of use is clearly defined and discussed with level of details. The chosen evaluation techniques methods are well justified under stood and used with evidence when discussing the findings. The appraisal of the process and lessons learned are critical and comprehensive. Minor errors are allowed in writing but the report is presented to a professional standard with a clear flow and organisation making it easy to follow and read. The prototype design is of high quality and reflects the study findings well. The planning, organisation, and use of media in the presentation slides are clear and tell a coherent story.
This unit assesses your ability to:
1.Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge and understanding of human centred design principles processes and activities and related issues;
2.Design effective user interfaces for a variety of contexts (i.e., target audiences devices application domains and social situations using appropriate methods, technologies and tools relevant to human centred design;
3.Critically evaluate designs using principles, theories and methods relevant to usability and user experience (UX);
4.Plan design and evaluate design solutions in a human centred design approach.

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