Module Code :- CP 70046 E
Module Title :- Employability Skills And Employment
Weighting :– 100% module
Assessment Type :- Reflective Report Assignment
This assignment has several tasks. Each task has its own criteria and marks.The learning outcomes of the module are assessed by a successful completion of all the tasks. Extensions will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Extensions will be for 10 days or less. Documentary evidence will be required. Extensions must be agreed before the deadline.
CP 70046 E Employability Skills And Employment Assignment – West London University UK.

CP 70046 E Employability Skills And Employment Assignment

Module aims :-
1.To raise awareness of the nature of the contemporary employment environment
2.To provide a structured framework to consider the challenges of gaining employment and developing occupational and professional skills
3.To identify and develop key assets for employability and how to manage them
4.To develop key transferable competences
5.To prepare to enter and engage with the employment market and to exploit personal assets and employability

Learning outcomes :
1.To be able to present and market themselves to potential employers in a manner commensurate with the level of study and the industry they aspire to enter as professionals
2.Develop skills to critically reflect upon the progress on the courses, to determine further development.
3.Develop skill is personal presentation which outlines their potential for professional employment.

Task details :- Assignment Instructions:
Please respond to the issue raised in each grid. Enter your response in the grid box.

For each item:
1.Reflection on theme, purpose and application to study
2.Evaluation of engagement with theme in context of course and module experience so far
3.Reflection on adequacy of your own knowledge, skills and technique
4.Steps you will consider to develop your proficiency and experience

This is an exercise in ‘personal reflection’ rather than a competitive assignment, and it is not a module evaluation exercise. Thinking purposefully about what you have done and then expressing your thoughts
in both a practical and critical way will help you to establish your level of achievement and give you a benchmark from which to develop, build and improve.

The module tutor will offer some commentary on your progress as a master’s student and professionally. Although the module does not carry credit the experience of doing the reflection and the insight it provides should be seen as a positive and worthwhile outcome.

CP 70046 E Employability Skills And Employment Assignment – West London University UK.

CP 70046 E Employability Skills And Employment Assignment

There is no set guidance for length, content or type of response, but a typical interpretation would show engagement with the theme, evidence of thoughtful reflection, appraisal and explanation, and may offer some examples from experience, influence and application.

The issues are:
Identifying and Building Employability Assets
1: Understanding employability and your development needs
2: Employability audit, learning logs and portfolio-building
3: Reflection and transferable Skills
4: Enhancing your Profile: standing out from the crowd
5: Preparing the evidence

What ambitions and aspirations with respect to employment and profession did you bring to the Masters course, and how have these evolved so far?(Reflection from session 1)

What for you are the most significant attributes of employability?

At this stage reflect on your understanding of and progress towards acquiring and developing these significant attributes?

Attempt to summarize the state of your employability / readiness for employment and outline the key factors which may influence your future prospects and achievements? Use STAR approach to list the employability skill that you have.

What are your strengths?

What areas of weakness have you identified and to what extent are you seeking to address them?

What areas of individual and career potential have you discovered or become more aware of during your progress on the masters course?

Following on from your audit activities what plans for development and improvement have you considered?

To what extent have you begun to clarify your thinking on employment and your employability and how is this starting to shape your strategy?

What kinds of transferable skills and competences are you ready to offer?

How ready are you now to manage your own employability project and how far have you developed and tested the key tools to use?

Reflect on the current state of your ‘market research’ into your future employment and employability? What are your target areas of search?
How do you plan to stand out from the crowd?

What steps are you taking to find a job (or an internship in the short term)?Describe some of the actions you are currently taking and/or are planning to take soon?

Do you have plans to accelerate your progress and / or become more proactive in seeking employment and /r developing your employability skills?

What and where might you hope to be in say three years, and how do you plan to get there?

CP 70046 E Employability Skills And Employment Assignment – West London University UK.

CP 70046 E Employability Skills And Employment Assignment

Would you like to add any general / further comments and observations on your personal journey towards employability and employment?

Assessment Criteria
For each item:

  1. Reflection on theme, purpose and application to study
  2. Evaluation of engagement with theme in context of course and module experience so far
  3. Reflection on adequacy of your own knowledge, skills and technique
  4. Steps you will consider to develop your proficiency and experience

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