Module Code :- CS5805
Title :- Ethics And Governance of Digital Systems
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Contribution to overall module assessment :- 100%
Indicative student time working on assessment :- 70 Hours
Word or Page Limit (if applicable) :- 2500 – 3000 Words (not including references). Submissions should not exceed the 3000 word limit
Assessment Type :- (individual or group) Individual
CS5805 Ethics And Governance of Digital Systems Assignment – UK
The coursework for the Ethics and Governance module is an individual analysis and critical reflection on the use of digital technologies in healthcare. These applications are the subject of some debate in which proponents evangelize the remarkable outcomes that can result from the widespread adoption and use of advanced innovations in intelligent technologies … [while] an equally prominent set of voices [is] advocating for caution (Lebovitz 2019, p. 14). Clearly there are ethical governance and regulatory issues associated with the use of digital technologies in healthcare, which you are required to address in this assignment.
The assignment aims to assess the following learning outcomes (LOs):
LO1: Identify and appraise existing research related to the handling and governance of digital information;
LO2: Evaluate the legal social and ethical concerns and consequences related to the use of digital systems in practice;
LO3: Reflect critically on the governance implications of adopting digital technologies in the modern working environment and society.
CS5805 Ethics And Governance of Digital Systems Assignment – UK
The requirements of the assessment for the Ethics and Governance module are to provide i) a literature review
ii) case description; iii) analysis and discussion; and iv) reflections, as described below:
1.Literature Review: You must review papers from a specific collection of recent literature on the use of digital technologies in healthcare. The papers you review must be chosen from the literature collection posted under the CS5805 Assessment tab on Brightspace and labelled Healthcare Studies for Review. You are required to review at least six and no more than ten of these papers in your own words highlighting for each paper you read the ethical and/or governance issues it discusses and the related medical context.
Please note:
Reviewing at least six papers from the collection should be seen as the minimum requirement to meet literature review marking criteria. Also there will be no additional credit for reviewing more than ten papers from the collection.
2.Case Description :- You must provide a description of the use of artificial intelligence in radiology work by a major US hospital, Urbanside. Your source for this task is the paper by Lebovitz (2019) which is available under the CS5805 Assessment tab on Brightspace and labelled Assignment Case Study. The aim of your description is to provide sufficient background information about Urbanside and why the hospital decided to use AI in radiology work so that your reader is able to understand your answers to items 3 and 4 below.
3. Analysis and Discussion:
Ethical Perspective:
a) You must describe the range of ethical concerns that came to the fore at Urban side and
b) Discuss your own ethical stance on the use of AI in radiology work.
Governance Mechanisms:
c) You must explain the mechanisms Urbanside incorporated into its radiology work processes to address the ethical issues raised by the use of AI and
d) Discuss the effectiveness of these governance mechanisms in ensuring reliable diagnoses in Urbanside’s Radiology department.
Regulatory Stance:
e) You must discuss whether and how you believe regulation on the use of AI in radiology should be implemented.
For questions 3a) – 3e) you must refer to relevant teaching materials on ethical perspectives governance mechanisms and regulatory principles when presenting and justifying your arguments. The materials you choose to support your arguments must be chosen from the lecture material and if appropriate seminar readings for the CS5705 module. The form of reference you should use for these materials is provided in the section on Format of the Assessment.
CS5805 Ethics And Governance of Digital Systems Assignment – UK
f) You must discuss the practical lessons you learned about the use of digital technologies in healthcare settings as a result of undertaking this assignment. Your answer to this question should demonstrate critical reflection; for example, did you reassess your beliefs about the benefits or issues of using intelligent technologies in healthcare or learn some thing unexpected interesting as a result of under taking this assignment.
g) You must outline how you might progress the research you discussed in this assignment in an MSc dissertation. Your answer should describe a problem that needs to be addressed and identify methods that would allow you to do the research.