CS5809 Digital Innovation And Strategy Assessment – UK

Subject Code & Title :-  CS5809 Digital Innovation And Strategy
Important Notice: You should note that this assignment is learning outcome based. To pass this assignment you should demonstrate the accomplishment of all 3 learning outcomes for this module in the essay. The reflective essay aims to test the accomplishment of the learning outcomes at an individual level.
CS5809 Digital Innovation And Strategy Assessment – UK
CS5809 Digital Innovation And Strategy Assessment

Learning outcome 1:
Describe and discuss the state-of-the-art in digital business improvement and change.
To demonstrate this learning outcome in your essay, you need to describe the background of the research area related to your chosen topic such as relevant business models change theories or data management methods. Apart from the issues discussed in the class, you need to be able to introduce additional sources of information through books, journals or conference proceedings.

Learning outcome 2 :-
Demonstrate practical skills related to digital business improvement and change.
To demonstrate this learning outcome, you must analyse and evaluate the case study using an appropriate model theory or method. Apart from the approaches discussed in the class you need to be able to introduce additional sources of information through books journals or conference proceedings.

Learning outcome 3:
To demonstrate this learning outcome you have to identify and briefly but effectively describe and reflect on the digital business improvement and change ideas and show how well these ideas perform in the case study.

Reflective essay
The reflective essay is an essay with a maximum of 4000 words that will be graded individually. This essay should fully explore and reflect on one of the following three topics using a chosen case study.

Topic 1:
It is predicted that the number of devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) will reach 15.1 billion by 2023. The adoption of IoT will cause change to an organisation both internally e.g., within the organisation and externally e.g. the relationships with customers and partners. Use a single case study of your choice to critically analyse and illustrate how to manage the change caused by IoT in the organisation to survive in the changing environment.

Topic 2 :-
A business model demonstrates how an organisation creates and delivers value to customers. The developments in digital innovation such as IoT have changed the traditional balance between customers and suppliers. Use a single case study of your choice to critically analyse and illustrate how the organisation’s digital business model works to profit from the adoption of IoT.

Topic 3 :-
The mountain of data generated by the devices used in IoT is forcing organisations to re think how to capture store process and retrieve data. Use a single case study of your choice to critically analyse and illustrate how to effectively manage the data of IoT to derive more value from it.

CS5809 Digital Innovation And Strategy Assessment – UK

CS5809 Digital Innovation And Strategy Assessment

You need to consult academic references relevant to the topic selected that will help you in the essay. The literature review under taken will need to be fully referenced following the Harvard style. This should be used to give a critical analysis of the subject.

Your essay should be your individual work. Although it may be based on the same case study as other members of your class and possibly similar analysis topics it has to be developed and written by yourself. Thus all essays must be distinct and individual. Any copying in whole or in part will be subject to plagiarism penalties – see the ISC Student Hand book.

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