Unit Title :- Curriculum Design
Assignment Type :- Assessment
Task 1 – Report (ACs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
Instructions : Prepare a report to be presented to the Senior Management Team.
Curriculum Design Assessment – UK

1.1 Analyse the purpose of curriculum design and development.
Academic purpose
Social purpose,
Economic purpose
Political Purpose
1.2 Evaluate approaches and models of curriculum design and development used.
Approaches of curriculum designs are;
Learner centred
Subject centred
Problem centred
Models of curriculum design
Product Model curriculum by Tyler, R. W.
Process Model curriculum by Stenhouse,
1.3 Explain the importance of learner feedback when developing curriculum.
To ensure inclusive curriculum
To find strengths and weaknesses of curriculum
To amend and adjust with learners’ feedback
To uphold Professional values
Comply with Organisational policies and legislations
Maintaining Quality assurance and improvement arrangements
1.4 Analyse how to manage risks when developing curriculum.
Applying Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment (CARA) process
Meeting student needs,
Availability of materials and equipment,
Location of the activity,
Supervisor’s presence in activities
Ensuring Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Planning and assessing curriculum activities
Recording curriculum activities flowchart
Reviewing and evaluating curriculum activities
1.5 Evaluate methodologies used to monitor and evaluate curriculum.
Formative Evaluation and Summative Evaluation and
Feedback from faculty, peer and students
Identify assessment objectives
Develop a comprehensive assessment plan
Determine the outcomes of a programme.
Analysing and interpreting information gathered
Improve methods of teaching and instructional techniques
Assessment of curriculum outcomes
Task 2– Curriculum Plan and Resources (ACs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,2.4) Instructions
You are asked to produce a curriculum plan and resources to meet the needs of learners with in your subject specialism.
You are required to:
2.1 Identify the learning objectives and outcomes required for curriculum design.
You need to write the learning objectives and outcomes required for curriculum design from your specialised area. It MUST have to have the direct link to the Curriculum you will be developing for AC 2.2
2.2 Develop a curriculum for an education and training programme.
You need to develop and design a curriculum on your specialised area. It MUST have to have the direct link to the Curriculum objectives and out comes done in AC 2.1
2.3 Plan assessment approaches to meet the learning outcomes of curriculum following the necessary guidelines.
Meeting regulatory legal and awarding organisation requirements
Identify needs and expectations of learning outcomes
Mapping assessment tasks throughout the program
Setting appropriate methods of assessment to assess knowledge
Gathering and analysing assessment results
2.4 Produce resources to support the curriculum.
You need to develop and produce resources for this AC 2.4. Choose one of the topics from your curriculum of your specialist area (AC 2.2). You may design PPT slides (10-12 slides) or Hand-note in Word document or some Excel sheet as suitable for your subject specialist area.
Task 3 – Review Report (ACs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)
You are asked to carry out a review of provision focussing on key areas.
3.1 Evaluate the achievement of the learning outcomes of an education and training curriculum.
Feedback from Students,
Feedback from teachers,
Feedback from management,
Assessing students’ achievement
Students employability
Monitoring of outcomes,
Curriculum Design Assessment – UK

3.2 Evaluate the delivery of an education and training curriculum.
Work through suitable learning styles
Evaluate primary and post-learning outcomes
Practice of inclusion
Resources used in delivery of curriculum
Inclusion of feedback into review cycle,
3.3 Identify areas for improvement for education and training
Identification of future goals and objectives resulting from learning activities.
Curriculum’s objectives must be reasonable and attainable
Must employ both formative and summative assessment strategies
Curriculum’s objectives must be reasonable and attainable
Must employ both formative and summative assessment strategies
Curriculum has to be adaptable and flexible in response to changing
Curriculum must be updated to match current learning requirements
3.4 Make improvements to education and training curriculum.
Apply strategies for reviewing curriculum.
People involved in curriculum review.
( AC- 3:3 and 3:4- based on your own findings)
Delivery and Submission for Tasks 2 and 3: