Module Code & Title :- Diet And Health FDS2307M
Assessment Title :- Diet and Health.
Contribution to final module mark :- 50% of the final module mark.
Description of assessment task and purpose
You are required to submit an essay-based assignment to demonstrate your understanding of the role of nutrients in preventing disease and maintaining healthy weight and also the concept of functional foods from a wider perspective.
Diet And Health FDS2307M Assignment – UK

The purpose of this assessment is to judge your knowledge of the subject area and ability to find and evaluate accurate and reliable information that you will present in a clear, concise and scientific manner.
Your discussion should be supported using credible and reliable academic sources.
Learning outcomes assessed
LO2 Appraise the role of nutrients in preventing disease and maintaining healthy weight.
LO3 Discuss the scientific, health, regulatory and economic importance of functional foods.
For those of you on an apprenticeship programme, this assessment will also offer you the opportunity to provide evidence for your apprenticeship standard which is detailed more clearly in the section below.
Apprenticeship standards linked to this assessment
Some suggestions for appropriate statements for which this assessment provides evidence are given below but do look carefully at your standards as it may be possible to link completion of this assessment to other areas.
Food Industry Technical Professional
K2 Food allergen and intolerance management including labelling requirements and management systems for control of allergens in food manufacturing
K3 Food legislation & regulation as appropriate to own organisational context
K6 Scientific principles underpinning food chemistry and physics: composition of food and its nutritional value and trends including rheology, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics
K7 Enhancing nutritional impact of food components macro and micro nutrients preserving and enhancing nutritional values in processing distribution and sale delivering nutritious products meeting dietary requirements habits and consumer trends
K8 Technical knowledge of physical attributes and chemical constituents of commonly used ingredients: sugar flour fat starch yeast milk meat fruit vegetables and additives
K17 Factors governing food safety, integrity and sustainability with in the global supply chain
K19 Ethical issues in the food industry, including the environment
B1 Ownership of work: accepts responsibility is proactive plans work demonstrates integrity aims for excellence
Format for assessment
Please upload your work in a .doc format.
Ensure that you use the guidance on font and formatting from the Learning with NCFM Tool box hand book.
i. Word count target 2000 words ± 200 words
ii. Font is Arial
iii. Font Size is 11
iv. Line spacing is 1.5
v. Left and right margins should be justified
Diet And Health FDS2307M Assignment – UK

Please provide your reference list in the Harvard format For full details on this format please use the University Harvard Referencing handbook (PDF).
i. Include only sources that you have referenced in the work.
ii. It is very important to use appropriate academic books/e-books and journals/e-journals as the basis for your research.
Whilst you may use the internet to support you in your learning of the subject in general websites are unacceptable for academic reports. Appropriate websites are those provided by the government international regulatory bodies and so forth. While Wikipedia can be very useful to help you under stand use the reference lists within the pages to go back to the original sources for your report writing.