Subject Code & Title: EI2910 Structures And FEA
This assessment is worth 50% of the overall module mark
1.The course work aims to evaluate the structural understanding and design optimisation of aeroplane component using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Students should analyse the proposed task by utilizing appropriate CAE frameworks and submit a report of their results as a single PDF file.
2.Course work 1 has been divided into two section, Part A is the Individual practical report worth 25% of the total marks. Part B is the FEA using Ansys report worth 75% of the total marks.
3.Details of the Course work brief is provided with the Course work Task (Part B). Similarly, submission requirements have been provided in Guide for report.
4.Marking criteria for assessment and weightings is provided in the Appendix A.
5. Module Learning Outcomes accessed in this Course work (LO-1,2,5)
a.Understand the criteria used for selecting aircraft materials and the stress analysis of aircraft structures.
b.Discuss how structural loading and stress analysis influence the decisions upon large commercial aircraft shape and air worthiness.
c.Demonstrate effective research and report writing skills
EI2910 Structures And FEA Assignment – Central Lancashire UK.
1.The lectures and Ansys tutorial will provide you a guidance to undertake the Course work. Relevant course work materials could be found in the Module Materials folder for the course in Blackboard.
2.Reading list is in the Blackboard for this course.
Course work 1
Coursework Tasks
Part A: You are required to attend the practical session to obtain the results from the laboratory session.
1.The tutor will introduce the activities of the laboratory session using the laboratory manual.
2.Report your activities and findings as part of your Assignment.
o guide, this could be around 2 to 3 pages or Maximum word count shouldn’t exceed 500 Words.
o You may want to include the following (sections) in your report:
1. Summary (2 marks)
2. Introduction (3 marks)
3. Methodology (5 marks)
4. Results and Discussion (10 marks)
5. Conclusion
Part B :
The Airbus A 300 aircraft is being used widely in the transports sector. Designs of Aeroplanes depend on their wings for flight. The wing of an Aeroplane is one of the most important and complicated elements in the design of an Aeroplane. A wing is a type of fin with a surface that produces aerodynamic force for flight through the atmosphere. When a force acts on a body, the latter will generate these forces by the relative movement of the air compared to the plane. The first one is the lift and the latter is drag. The lift force is directed upwards and is acting perpendicular to the displacement of the wing and the drag force is exerted in the direction opposed to the displacement of the plane. In this conventional type of wing two Aluminium alloys (AA2024 and AA7075) are widely used because of its versatility. Nevertheless, the catastrophe of an Aeroplane structural part can have disastrous penalties, with consequential damage to life cycle and the Aeroplane. The exploration of the structural behavior of the aircraft wing component will provide an understanding of the different failure modes. Figure 1 shows the A 300 CAD model and the small‐scale model.

Problem specification :
This assignment focuses on best material that is suitable for the subsonic aircraft wing. For wing Skelton structure use NACA 64 215 profile. A300 wing specification are shown in Table 1 (model as a solid structure). Then apply the boundary conditions on the wing according to the tasks specified below.
The following outlines the task that are required to address in the final report.
Create a profile of a NACA aerof oil using the link provided
a) Examine the point load ranging from 100 N to 5100 N with an increment of 500 N, at end of the wing. The wing is made of aluminium. Justify your answers.
b) Compare the point load solution with a theoretical solution for all the cases examined in Part (a).
c) Inspect the effects of different materials such as Aluminium alloy, Titanium alloy, Steel and graphene (on aluminium alloy) for a velocity range of 40 m/s to 90 m/s with an increment of 10 m/s. Justify your answers.
d) Examine the leading edge or front spar twisting effect (moments) of 100 Nm to 5100 Nm with an increment of 500 Nm. Justify your answers.
Guide for Part B REPORT
Section 1. Introduction
Provide a brief description of the task using the following questions to guide your discussion. Do not limit yourself to these questions.
1. Why is FEA useful for examining aircraft structures?
Section 2. Method
1.Outline the suitability of the methods employed in this study, i.e. geometry creation, material choice, boundary conditions (such as fixed points,environmental conditions, loading points, any restrictions to the model) and
solution protocols, etc.
2.Assumption to the model.
3.Address the theoretical equations for point load
Section 3. Results
Include the analysis and plots along with a brief summary of the main features of the results of each part of the task.
a. Force vs displacement graph
b. Stress vs strain graph
c. Structural parameters like total deformation, equivalent stress, maximum principle stress, equivalent strain and shear stress.
Section 4. Discussion and conclusions
Critically analyse your results, drawing conclusions on each part of the task. You should not introduce new results at this stage. You should include the following discussion points:
1. Provide a detailed description of each results by explaining the salient features of the results.
2. The differences in displacement/strain/stress fields of the aerofoil conditions.
3. Any (un)realistic implications of the results found and the error source should be clearly explained in the discussion.
EI2910 Structures And FEA Assignment – Central Lancashire UK.
Section 5. References
Make sure all data and information are clearly cited in the text and the references are in a correct IEEE format.
Some additional comments to bear in mind:
1.Submit a single PDF file via Turn‐it‐in assignment in Blackboard on or before the due date.
2. Marks will be awarded for originality, relevance and logic of arguments, and clearly defined conclusions.
3. Make sure all figures and tables are labelled and correctly cited in the text asrequired.
4. Do not include figures or tables that you do not refer to in the text.
5. Your conclusions should be drawn from the presented information and any appropriate external sources (which must be appropriately cited).
6. You can include additional information in appendices which may be referred to in the main body of the report (Appendixes will not be counted in the page limit).