Element010 Business And Human Resource Management Assignment

Subject Title :-  Element010 Business And Human Resource Management
Assessment Type :-  Assignment
Assessment Details :-
7000 individual word report based on secondary/desk-based data collection and analysis
Element010 Business And Human Resource Management Assignment

Element010 Business And Human Resource Management Assignment

You are to analyse an organisation (choose from one of the following: (1) The New Meaning Foundation (2) Chelmsford Star (3) Provide or (4) CEDA) in terms of their suitability for a King’s Award application. Through secondary data collection and desk-based research, highlighting the areas of relevant interest of your choice you are to provide over all recommendations regarding the organisation’s suitability for the award.

NOTE: All of your work needs to be with secondary data ONLY – there is not ethical clearance for primary data to be collected or used in this project.

Assessment Marking Criteria / Scheme:

Research Data & Analysis

Relevant desk-based resources are utilised and findings are presented clearly.


Overall quality & relevance for the organisation’s application to the King’s Award.

Report Presentation

Professional report presented with proper structure language and Harvard referencing applied appropriately.

Element010 Business And Human Resource Management Assignment

Feedback Arrangements:

Written feedback through the Canvas submission area.

Links to important regulations / advice about late submissions etc.

Work that is submitted late via Canvas – defined as up to five working days after the published submission deadline – will be accepted and marked. How ever the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%. If the late work is submitted before midnight on the submission day then this will be a cap of 100

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