Subject Code & Title : EYS2113 Sketch Book Supporting Evidence
Assessment Type : Assignment
Part One: Sketch book – Supporting Evidence (2000 words equivalent)
Part Two: Individual Presentation (10 minutes)
All assignments must be submitted electronically through Black Board
Please Note: The assessment for this alignment is based on evidence provided of your engagement, knowledge and appreciation for creativity within the context of Early Childhood Education and Care. We are NOT judging the ‘artistic merits’ or aesthetics of the work. This is NOT an art course.
EYS2113 Sketch Book Supporting Evidence Assignment – UK.
Guidance :
Part One: Sketch Book – Supporting Evidence (2000 words) (5 Minutes) 50% WEIGHTING
Part Two: Individual Presentation (10 minutes) 50% WEIGHTING]
Part One) Sketchbook :
You will carry out an oral presentation (5 minutes) reflecting on some of your key sketch book pages, discussing their relevance to creativity and therapeutic approaches. This will be presented via a Kaltura video uploaded to Blackboard. You will be allocated 5 minutes to present this.
Photographs of ALL your sketchbook pages will need to be presented on a Power-point presentation and submitted on Blackboard
The sketch book is to be kept and worked on throughout the module demonstrating your engagement with sessions and sessional tasks. The sketch book enables you to communicate in variety of creative ways and in an academic manner. You will need to:
1. Demonstrate your understanding of creativity and imagination in the holistic development of children
2. Evaluate how creative and therapeutic arts are implemented in practice
3. Explore, access and evaluate a variety of relevant creative and therapeutic techniques for creative development
Your Sketchbook – some questions to ask yourself
i. Does this provide evidence of my engagement with the module (and creativity)?
ii. Have I reflected on sessions?
iii. How have I reacted to articles/quotations/ theories on creativity?
iv.How have I experimented with my own creativity?
v. Have I reflected on the ‘creative’ world around me?
vi. Have I demonstrated my in-depth knowledge and understanding of key theories of creativity and the relevance of therapeutic approaches?
vii. Have I discussed different perspectives wherever possible?
viii. Have I defined ‘creativity’ in more depth and considered what it offers children?
EYS2113 Sketch Book Supporting Evidence Assignment – UK.
You might not have done everything on this list or might have included things not listed here. This is fine so long as it demonstrates engagement.
There should be evidence that you have critically and objectively analysed relevant literature. A full reference list should be included in your sketch book using the University of Northampton Harvard style as recommended in the Study Guide.
Detailed guidance will be given in sessions.
PART 2) Reflective Piece – titled ‘My Creativity’
The reflective piece will be presented via a Kaltura Video uploaded onto Blackboard
This element of the assessment process involves an oral presentation using a reflective model of your critique of a ‘creation’ or ‘artwork’ that documents your own creative development during the module or reflecting on creative influences that has impacted on own personal creativity.
You will be allocated ten minutes for your presentation.
The Authors Creative Development – some questions to ask yourself
1. How have you developed during this process and the Module as a whole?
2. How have I related to theory, literature and reflection?
3. Have your ideas about creativity changed?
4. Do you feel more empowered to create? If so why, if not why not?
5. Have I used (and displayed) an existing reflective model (e.g. Gibbs) or adapted one to make my own in order to reflect upon: – either my ‘journey’ through the whole module, or my ‘journey’ through the creative activity process?
6.Have I used this model to inform the creation of an ‘artwork’ that demonstrates this in visual or oral form?
Remember that you can represent your ‘feelings’ and ‘journey’ in a variety of ways. You will be given examples of these in the sessions. Be autonomous and creative!
Additional guidance will be given during taught sessions and on Nile.
Module Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the module students, with guidance will be able to:
Subject-Specific Knowledge, Understanding & Application
a) Critically analyse and evaluate concepts and theories of creativity and imagination in the holistic development of children.
b) Evaluate a range of creative and therapeutic approaches to promote the holistic development of children.
c) Explore, access and evaluate a variety of relevant creative and therapeutic techniques for creative development.
EYS2113 Sketch Book Supporting Evidence Assignment – UK.
Employ ability & Change maker Skills
d) Demonstrate effective communication with a variety of audiences in creative ways.
e) Demonstrate the ability to manage and organise oneself to take responsibility for decision making and delivery of action.
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