Subject Code & Title : EYS2117 Role Play Essay 1
Assignment Type : Essay 1
This assignment consists of a simulated role-played child protection case conference, supported by research into your role. You will be given the Child Protection Case Conference agenda, a case study and your role in advance of the
role play. You will research your role and the case study in order to play a well prepared and informed part in the conference. Reading and research on inter- agency work within Early Years Education and Care provision should be used to inform a realistic portrayal of your given role.
EYS2117 Role Play Essay 1 – UK.
Learning Outcomes being assessed:
d) Critically analyse a range of policy and legislation, theory and research relevant to safeguarding and protecting children in a multi professional context.
Employ ability & Change maker Skills :
e) Use theory, research, legal frameworks and other professional perspectives to analyse a case study and justify decisions to protect children.
f) Demonstrate effective communication and engagement with peers, adopting a collaborative approach to joint decision making.
Part One :
In the first part of the Role Play Assignment you will be expected to, verbally,present the key information about your role to the markers and the rest of the group. You will present this as yourself, NOT in your given role.
1.Part One of the Role Play will be supported by an A 4 sized fact sheet (250 words approx. and fully referenced) presenting your research around your given role in an easily accessible format. Attached to your A 4 sheet, there should be another A 4 sheet with a short written outline of how/where you researched (max) and a reference list of the texts used. Key sources should be highlighted, and brief comments written (below each of these) presenting the key
information found from the source. A copy of both sheets will be handed to the markers on entry, (n.b. You may, or may not, decide to keep a copy for yourself and use this fact sheet to support your verbal presentation).
EYS2117 Role Play Essay 1 – UK.
A copy should also be submitted in Turnitin by 9 am on the day of the Case Conference.
If you are taking the part of a professional, the fact sheet should, ideally, refer to:
1. training and/or qualifications required by your professional.
2. the everyday duties and responsibilities of your professional.
3. your professional’s role in child protection and in a multi professional context.
4. any particular complex/ complicating aspects of their role in the child protection process.
If you are taking the part of the grandparent or parent, this should, ideally, refer to:
A.the responsibilities to a child/children of your given family member.
B.any rights that your given family member might have in the child protection process and in a multi professional context.
C.what support systems might be available to your given family member.
D.any particular complex/ complicating aspects of their role in the child protection process.
Part Two :
The second part of the Role Play Assignment is the Child Protection Case Conference itself. You will be interacting in your ‘given role’ throughout this part. Please remember to listen carefully and respond appropriately to others.
EYS2117 Role Play Essay 1 – UK.
You will be judged, in the role play, by the way in which you:
1.Have undertaken detailed research into your role, the child protection process and the role of the case conference in decision making.
2.Liaised with other relevant professionals/ family members and, where relevant, used information from your engagement to inform your decision making (LO e and f)
3.Contribute to the discussion and decision making in an informed way, giving reasons for your decisions.
4.Participate in a professional manner (where relevant), showing respect for the views of others.
5.Communicate clearly and effectively both verbally and in writing