Subject Code & Title :-  EYS3136 Health And Social Care ES1 Essay
Word count :-  4000 words
Part 1: 1000 Words
We would like you to spend 1000 words on addressing the following:
“Explore and reflect on how the learning and experience from this module has impacted on your own values and views of health and social care” Please write this in first person, but will need to include references.
The following Learning outcome is being assessed here: E – Evaluate the impact of individual values on the behaviour of self others and wider context demonstrating effective communication with peers.
EYS3136 Health And Social Care ES1 Essay Assignment – UK

EYS3136 Health And Social Care ES1 Essay Assignment

Part 2 :
Early intervention in early childhood is important for children’s life long outcomes.

Critically discuss in relation to the role of policy and multi-professional working in one of the following areas:

 Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences
 Childhood Obesity
 The Importance of Conception to Age Two – The First 1001 days
 Children’s Mental Health

Learning outcomes :-

a) Critically analyse the implications of contemporary health and social care policy and intervention methods in the context of early years practice.
b) Critically debate how the socio-political and cultural context of different societies influence the construction of social welfare and the provision of services in health and social care.
c) Demonstrate a critical understanding of the holistic and contextual nature of the development of children the importance of transitions and the role of inter-disciplinary and multi-professional working.
d) Apply knowledge of early childhood to identify create promote and engage in opportunities for positive change.
e) Evaluate the impact of individual values on the behaviour of self others and wider context demonstrating effective communication with peers.

Further detailed guidance will be provided in the taught sessions and drop-in opportunities.

General guidance for completion of the essay
This will be marked and moderated by the module team using the level 6 grade criteria. You will need to submit a front sheet and a learning outcome and Graduate Practitioner Competency Grid at the start of your essay.

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