Instructions to Student:Please note: Work presented in an assessment must be the student’s own. Plagiarism is where a student copies work from another source, published or unpublished (including the work of a fellow student) and fails to acknowledge the influence of another’s work or to attribute quotes to the author. Plagiarism is an academic offence.
FYE001-0 Computing Systems Development & Data Transmission Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.
Work presented in an assessment must be your own. Plagiarism is where a student copies work from another source, published or unpublished (including the work of another student) and fails to acknowledge the
influence of another’s work or to attribute quotes to the author.Plagiarism is an academic offence and the penalty can be serious. The University’s policies relating to Plagiarism can be found in the regulations at To detect possible plagiarism we may submit your work to the national plagiarism detection facility. This searches the Internet and an extensive database of reference material including other students’ work to identify.Once your work has been submitted to the detection service it will be stored electronically in a database and compared against work submitted from this and other universities. It will therefore be necessary to take electronic copies of your materials for transmission, storage and comparison purposes and for the operational back-up process. This material will be stored in this manner indefinitely.
I have read the above information and I confirm that this work is my own and that it may be processed and stored in the manner described.
FYE001-0 Computing Systems Development & Data Transmission Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.
Extension deadline
CAAS agrees that the assignment may be submitted __ days after the deadline and should be marked without penalty.
CAAS confirmation All assignments must be electronically submitted using “Turnitin” by 10:00 am on the due date. Please leave sufficient time to meet this deadline and do not leave the handing-in of assignments to the last minute. You need to allow plenty of time for system problems or other issues that may arise.
Task Instruction
You are to present your findings in the form of a report. This report should show how you implemented the SQL program (source code and screen shots) and the solution to the problem (You should include a print out of your test results as part of the report).
Task Description
1.From your SQL command terminal, create this MS Access database
From your SQL terminal, Run commands to do the following:
2.Run a query to return All Entries (All the records of the table)
3.A new employee has just been employed into the IT department to work on Pensions Systems. His name is Edward Dawam. His employee Number is
S10031 and he will be paid 24.5 per hour. Insert a row containing the
employee’s record.
FYE001-0 Computing Systems Development & Data Transmission Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.
4.A Smith has just had a pay rise to 35.0 per hour. Update his record.
5.T Gilbert has just been dismissed. Delete his record.
6.Select Project Code, Project Title, Project manager and Project Manager from your Table