Module Code & Title :- FYU 006-0 English For Specific Purposes
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Research prepare practice and deliver an individual presentation which answers one of the following questions:
FYU 006-0 English For Specific Purposes Assignment-UK

1.Don’t work harder work smarter How could you use this idea in your university studies?
2. What will the new normal look like? Discuss the long-term effects of COVID-19 on society.
3. From video conferencing to dating apps: how can we build relationships in a virtual world?
Your presentation should have a duration of 5 minutes.
Support your presentation with a suitable PowerPoint slide show.
Your presentation slides will be vital to the success of your presentation because they will form the focus for the audience Make sure you take time and effort in preparing slides which make an impact.
The presentation will take place during a pre-arranged session in the week beginning 24th May 2021.
Marking Criteria:
In marking your presentations, we will be looking for evidence of the following…
• Your ability to deliver a high-quality persuasive presentation
• Your ability to prepare a coherent, impactful slideshow which gets your point across to your audience with ease
• Your ability to use your voice and body language to engage your audience
• Your use of presentation techniques as taught on this course
• Accuracy in your use of English, including grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation
• Fluency
• Your ability to respond to questions positively and with an air of professionalism
• The extent to which you have achieved the task set by following the instructions on this sheet accurately and effectively