FYU012-0 Studying For Higher Education Assignment-Bed ford shire University UK.

Aims of assessment:
1.To support you in identifying your strengths and weaknesses and planning improvements where needed
2.To help to ensure that you start career planning right from the beginning of your studies at University
3.To develop your capacity to continuously reflect on your progress and build independence
FYU012-0 Studying For Higher Education Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.

FYU012-0 Studying For Higher Education Assignment

Support for the development of your assessment

Available assessment guidance and development Sessions in this unit prior to submission will focus on supporting you in developing the key knowledge and skills you need to produce an effective assignment You will get the chance to review drafts in class.

Additional support available from tutor/s Office hours are available. Please email your tutor to arrange a meeting or sign up for office hours. If you require an extension due to mitigating circumstances please use the guidance in your course handbook and contact SID.

Relevant support available from PAD Before you start your assignment you may wish to visit PAD’s Study Hub Online site on BREO. You will find guidance and resources on completing your assignments there.

Learning outcomes and threshold criteria: Unit learning outcomes and assessment criteria covered by this assessment.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how to study effectively, taking responsibility for your own learning and your personal development Demonstrate your use of appropriate academic study skills to enhance your learning and personal development and apply when responding to assessment tasks

FYU012-0 Studying For Higher Education Assignment

Threshold criteria to achieve a pass in the assessment
a.Regularly record personal reflections in a blog including how you have been responding to feedback from a variety of sources
b.Give a balanced account of your existing personal qualities and skills and identify where there is need for some development
c.Produce a clearly written and structured account of your current skills, development needs in the form of a learning plan.

Specific assessment guidance on presentation, structure

This assignment requires you to submit

1. A comprehensive, thorough reflection upon the current status of your skills, identify personal development needs and to develop a learning plan (short and longer term) with an example of identified task. A blog or diary in which you reflect regularly on five weeks of the foundation course in relation to your own progress and linked to the skills audit that you have undertaken (1000 words approx.) You need to write clearly and succinctly, concentrating on your academic skills and career aspirations as discussed in class.

FYU012-0 Studying For Higher Education Assignment

2.You also need to submit a skills audit which will include a section that identifies at least three short-term goals to improve your academic performance and three longer term goals that Will Support you in preparing for your chosen career. Your goals need to be clear and precise and include information on how you will go about achieving them, where you will get support for this and a realistic timeline for reviewing/ reaching the goals (about 800 words in total).

You will be graded according to the criteria below. You should also consider the threshold criteria above carefully and ensure that you have covered them all.

FYU012-0 Studying For Higher Education Assignment-Bed ford shire University UK.

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