Unit Title :- Health And Social Care
Assignment Type :- Assessment
Unit Level:- 5
Credit Value :- 6
Please complete the following work book. Once you are satisfied that you have completed all the questions hand the work book to your tutor for marking.
Unit aim:The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the knowledge under standing and skills required to lead and manage others within adult care settings.
Health And Social Care Assessment – UK

Health And Social Care Assessment

On a scale of 1-10 how confident are you on the subject 1 being not confident and 10 being extremely confident.

Additional information about the unit:

Explanation of terms used at Level 5 in this unit
Describe Provide a broad range of detailed information about the subject or item in a logical way

Explain Apply reasoning to account for how something is or to show under standing of under pinning concepts. Responses could include examples to support these reasons.

Critique Give your evaluation/judgement of a text pointing out its goals strengths and weaknesses

Evaluate Examine strengths and weaknesses, arguments for and against and/or similarities and differences; judge the evidence from the different perspectives and make a valid conclusion or reasoned judgment; apply current research or theories to support the evaluation when applicable.

Learning Outcome 1: Under stand the application of theories of leadership and management.

1.1. Critique two (2) key theories of leadership and management The information provided must include:

• a definition of leadership and management
• a description of leadership and management styles/approaches.

1.2. Describe how theoretical models of leadership and management are applied to practice through two (2) examples of effective leadership and management models in adult care provision.

Health And Social Care Assessment – UK

1.3. Refer to evidence provided in 1.2 and explain potential conflicts which may occur when applying the identified theoretical models of leadership and management.

Under take a SWOT analysis for two (2) additional theoretical models of leadership and management. Explain any potential conflicts that may occur in:

 adult care provision
 own setting.

1.4. Refer to the evidence provided for 1.3 and propose strategies to address four (4) potential conflicts which may occur when applying identified theoretical models of leadership and management.

Learning Outcome 2: Understand Leadership and Management in Adult Care Settings

2.2. Describe leadership and management skills.

2.3. Analyse the interdependencies of leadership and management to show why managers need both skills sets. Evidence may include:
 how leadership and management skills are deployed in practice
 skills mapping exercise identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

2.4. Explain why leadership and management styles may need to be adapted to manage different situations.

Evidence may include how different leadership and management styles are applied to practice.

2.5. Describe the relationship between effective leadership and the values and culture in own setting.

2.6. Discuss how to establish a culture of continual learning and development in own setting and the importance of learning from experience.

Health And Social Care Assessment – UK

Health And Social Care Assessment

Learning Outcome 3: Lead Commitment to a vision for the service (Assessed Separately)
3.1. Communicate own ideas and enthusiasm about the service and its future in a way which engages others.
3.2. Support stake holders within and beyond the organisation to be aware of the vision and its impact.
3.3. Build support for the vision and ensure it is shared and owned by those who will be implementing and communicating it.


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