Module Code & Title :-  HR2SX3 HRM Contexts And Challenges
Assessment Type :-  Assignment
Assessment Brief
This assessment brief provides details, context and date information for the two module assignments. Read the brief carefully and make a note of the hand-in dates.
HR2SX3 HRM Contexts And Challenges Assignment – UK
HR2SX3 HRM Contexts And Challenges Assignment

Assessment One
Aim :- Critically analyse the emerging themes affecting South Wales organisations in 2022.
Weighting This assignment accounts for 50% of your overall module grade.

Context :-
Since 2010 the world of work has rapidly changed. Some examples are:
• The so called gig-economy has boomed,
• technology has changed how we communicate,
• the Covid-19 Pandemic changed how and where organisations work.

This has happened against a turbulent socioeconomic and political landscape.
• Politically the UK has been through a coalition government a period of austerity Brexit four Prime Ministers and four general elections.
• Socially the UK has experienced protests on women’s rights the climate crisis education cuts racial injustice the wealth divide and multiple protests about Brexit.
• Economically according to the 2020 census the wealthiest 10% of house holds held 43% of all the wealth in the UK whilst the bottom 50% of households held only 9% of the UK’s wealth. Additionally in 2022 the we entered a cost of living crisis.

HR2SX3 HRM Contexts And Challenges Assignment – UK

It has been a time of rapid change that organisations need to navigate and HRM professionals need to respond to.

Task :-
Create a 15 minute Power Point presentation critically analyse key trends and driving factors in 2022 for change in a South Wales based organisation. This could be a South Wales only organisation or a national/global organisation with operations in South Wales.

You should use PESTLEE Political Economic Social Technological Legal Environmental Ethics to consider the trends that are currently effecting organisations. It will not be possible to cover all of the areas in depth but you are expected to explore at least two areas.

For example you may choose to analyse a mental health charity who is navigating the higher demands for its services post-pandemic whilst having its budgets impacted by the rising cost of living.

Important Note
You are required to submit your completed presentation on the Friday before delivering your presentation in person. This is to ensure consistency and fairness of time given across the cohort. Anyone who presents a slide deck that is different from their Turnitin submission will have to resit the assignment during the summer resit period.

Assessment Two
Explore under stand and synthesise the themes trends contexts and challenges that surround and permeate organisations in 2022.

This assignment accounts for 50% of your overall module grade.

Context :-
Throughout the term we have explored and delved into many different trends themes contexts and challenges that are affecting organisations. HRM professionals must navigate these factors and make organisational decisions and/or recommendations based upon their understanding of them. This assignment requires you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the whole module whilst displaying the criticality that is imperative to effective decision making.

Task :-
Create a Concept map of themes with an annotated bibliography applying the theory and knowledge gained from the module and from assessment one.

HR2SX3 HRM Contexts And Challenges Assignment – UK

HR2SX3 HRM Contexts And Challenges Assignment

The concept map should be detailed It should show different types of relationships have supporting references and display the full breadth and a depth of knowledge gained from the module.

The annotated bibliography to provide support and justifications for connections, or lack there of between topics. The evaluative paragraph should be between 150 and 250 words for each reference used. There is no minimum or maximum number of references you should use enough to fully support your concept map.

Important Note
In year 1 all students completed a concept map for the People Work and Society module and a short annotated bibliography for Becoming a Professional: Critical Enquiry. This assignment should be more developed and detailed than those submissions.

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