ICA02 Online Defamation Essay Assignment assesses the following module Learning Outcomes :
Knowledge & Understanding
Appraise the relevant general legal principals and legislation relevant to the development and administration of the Multimedia industry.
Skills and Attributes
Summarize and judge specific real-life issues and existing legal case law;

Assignment Brief:
The Personal Enquiry: Assignment Briefing Sheet
You are required to research, analyse and then write an essay on the topic listed below.
The essay is worth 80% of the total marks available for this coursework, the remaining 20% comes from the references/bibliography work.
The topic relates to the module content and enables you to look in some depth at an aspect of the broader field.
The written text is to be word processed (details of suggested layout, below), and may include illustrations as diagrams or images.
You are required to retain a back-up copy of the work in a file format that can be readily accessed. The back-up file may be called for at short notice as part of the assessment process.
The written text must include bibliographic materials and details of references/sources used. The bibliography and references element of the essay is worth 20% of the total marks available.
It is important that the assessable outcomes (written text) are clearly and demonstrably your own individual effort. You must be able to demonstrate this by the effective use of notetaking and processes such as an iMAP, which record and log thinking, evaluation and planning processes.
This means that you should keep, manage, maintain and have ready to submit on request a folder or note/sketchbook which documents the process of the Personal Enquiry Essay should you be asked to do so.
The written text must show a clear intervention in sources and a personal ownership of expression. Not acknowledging sources, the direct use of material from sources except in a clearly identified quotation or reference, the direct appropriation of image or text without editing – these are likely to be seen as poor practice and so lead to a lower grade, and may result in the work being seen as an instance of plagiarism.
As part of this work you are strongly advised to make full use of iMAP strategies – there are materials about this posted on StudyNet – to source, gather, evaluate, edit and present information.
An iMAP provides an effective strategy for handling information and a way of recording the findings.
Essay Title:
Describe in detail the 10 points that Online Webmasters need to focus on in
order to protect themselves against allegations of Libel Defamation.
Your essay should include an analysis of the relevant points concerning Online Libel and a discussion of their importance to webmasters of companies operating in the multimedia industry today.
You should include discussion of relevant Defamation cases and Law statutes to illustrate and expand your answer.
This is the naming convention that you should use when submitting your
assignments via Study Net.
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