Module name: IT Service Management
Module code: IMAT2277
The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are:
1.To critically analyse a supplier service within the framework of ITIL4.
2.To demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of a range of ITIL4
3.To apply the service value chain in the analysis of value streams for the
4.To develop skills in evaluating supplier-based IT services.
IMAT2277 Supplier Service Evaluation Report-DeMontfort University-UK
Tasks to be undertaken:
This coursework involves the analysis of an IT service provided by a third-party IT supplier using the concepts and frameworks of ITIL 4. The report will consider the stakeholder of the service offering and will apply the ITIL4 frameworks of the four dimensions, the guiding principles and the service value chain.
You will have selected a supplier and an IT service, available and described on the web for your evaluation. Possible services and suppliers are suggested in appendices 2 and 3, but you may select any IT service and supplier.
Deliverables to be submitted for assessment:
Your submission should be no more than 12 sides of A4; a maximum of 1500 words (not including titles, contents and any references). Sources should be listed at the end of the report but are not part of the service offering report.
How the work will be marked:
The coursework submitted to Blackboard through Turnitin will be given a percentage mark and count for 100% of the final module mark.
Service Provider: Name of supplier, size, locations, range of services and expertise Exponential-e
Business technology, network and cloud engineering. Culture
Service Consumer: Construction company working on highway bridges. Value is in being able to manage remote on-site networks efficiently and flexibly.
Service Sponsor: IT director.
Service Customer: IT service network management. Help desk. Network administrators and technical staff.
Service User: Construction project managers, site managers, team leaders and foremen.
Service Offering: Description of service. Purpose and goal. Properties of service.Value of service, Access to resources.
Software-defined WAN. A service to dynamically manage a network as a virtual network.Managing the complexity of network cores. Network changes done by software. Overcoming siloing of network in demarcation zones. Centralised network control. Resource and function virtualisation.
Reduces complexity of managing networks. Better hardware utilisation. Better customer service, particularly using self-service. End-to-end control and easier growth. But does not provide unlimited flexibility because it depends on the server configuration.
Service Outcome: Reliable and flexible networking which meets changing and dynamic need of expanding and contracting business sites.
Service Risks: Security breach. Failure in communication, increased latency. Insufficient bandwidth. Not responding to changing requirements fast enough
Four Dimensions of Service Management

The four dimensions refer to the multiple aspects of service management that the consumer’s IT services will have to implement and support in order to deliver the service provided by the IT supplier.
Organisations and People
Network skills. Internal project management. CIO support and executive support.
Trainers for on-site projects.
Information and Technology
Network information. On-site hardware. Cloud configuration. Information and instructions from supplier. Network activity and performance information. GDPR compliance.
Partners and Suppliers
Not just the service provider, but other suppliers of underpinning technology and services.Also training programmes necessary to obtain the outcomes from the service offering.Exponential-e, Nuage Networks. Technology Provider and service provider. Internal network teams and project management.
Value Streams and Processes
Define requirements for on-site network. Define new site requirements on service portfolio. Install branch device, test, maintain. Monitor SLA.
ITIL4 Guiding Principles
For each principle, identify and explore application of principle to service offering.
Focus on value. Value of SD-WAN defined in terms of saved installation and installation costs. Value to consumer in rapid on-sire implementation of a network
Start where you are. Address current networking strategy and match to maturity of business. An SD-WAN may be appropriate but we may need to start with a pilot which interacts with current network and select a small project. Requirement to accurately measure current network reach and performance. Will use current network metrics.Demonstration plus case studies will help assess suitability of SD-WAN. Extent of training needed in IT and by users? Consult with project managers across organisation concerning current networking approach.
Progress iteratively with feedback. Find pilot project for SD-WAN implementation. We will need some network measures for evaluation and well as measures of project teams perception of SD-WAN roll out and performance. What is the minimum viable SD-WAN implementation we could undertake?
Collaborate and Promote Visibility. Make sure all involved in networks are on board. Ensure project teams and managers are aware of the concept of SD-WAN, its availability and the advantages for flexibility in work are promoted. Demonstrate efficiency and traffic improvements through the virtual network. Create good collaboration with suppliers and consultants.
Think and work holistically. Consider SDWAN in the context of all networking needs. Investigate extent of problems and issue with current networking. Map across all projects,people and sites. Ensure that SD-WAN implementation integrate with legacy network.
Keep it simple and practical. Simplify network metrics. Make sure SD-WAN is taking away complexity not providing an accretion and additional network complexity.Demonstrate how SD-WAN implementation is removing network complexity and simplifying use for IT staff and users.
Optimise and Automate SD-WAN will automate much network management and optimisation. We need to make sure we automate metrics collection from SD-WAN.Network technicians will need training as to how to use SD-WAN to optimise network efficiency and performance and develop methods of feedback. We will need to agree a set of metrics.

Value Streams for Supplier Service Applied to Service Value Chain
Describe THREE scenarios which require activity flows through service value chain for supplier service.
IMAT2277 Supplier Service Evaluation Report-DeMontfort University-UK
For each scenario describe the situation and activities and resources required and create a value stream table.
Loss of network branch.
A construction site has lost all its connection to the SD-WAN. As such it cannot receive the day’s concrete loads because it can coordinate readiness of site and had to cancel two. This could put the construction schedule back significantly unless WAN is restored today.

Other examples could include:
SD-WAN statistics show steady fall in speed over last month.
New connections needed between two construction sites.
Security breach at one site results in loss of some data.
Implementation as replacement for headquarters network.
Delivery and Installation of SD-WAN
IMAT2277 Supplier Service Evaluation Report-DeMontfort University-UK
Evaluation Summary
Overall evaluation of service offering.
SD-WANs provide an important step forward particularly for a cloud first strategy. It suits the multi-site operations of the consumer. It also should reduce incidents and the cost of renewing and reorganising hardware. However, the offering of exponential-e should be compared against other offerings particularly in looking at warranty and IT service support,.
The use of SD-Wan shifts support onto the cloud and creates increased reliance on the supplier. Supplier management must be carefully addressed to ensure fast support is available and the right training packages are provided. Careful attention must be paid to monitoring and event management, service continuity management and information
security management.