IMAT2601 Individual Report On ICT Implementation Assignment- De Montfort University Leicester UK.

Module Name: Management of ICT
Module Code: IMAT2601
This individual summative assignment is worth 100% of the module marks for IMAT2601.
The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework:1. To illustrate the main practical issues and choices involved in the delivery and support of ICT initiatives for an organization and suggest possible solutions.
2.To develop skills in communicating technical matters to a non-technical audience.
IMAT2601 Individual Report On ICT Implementation Assignment- De Montfort University Leicester UK.

IMAT2601 Individual Report On ICT Implementation Assignment- De Montfort University Leicester UK.

Late submission of coursework policy
Late submissions will be processed in accordance with current University regulations:
“__The time period during which a student may submit a piece of work late without authorisation and have the work capped at 40% if passed is 14 calendar days. Work submitted unauthorised more than 14 calendar days after the original submission date will receive a mark of 0%. These regulations apply to a student’s first attempt at coursework. Work submitted late without authorisation which constitutes reassessment of
a previously failed piece of coursework will always receive a mark of 0%.”

Academic Offences and Bad Academic Practices:
These include plagiarism, cheating, collusion, copying work and reuse of your own work, poor referencing or the passing off of somebody else’s ideas as your own. If you are in any doubt about what constitutes an academic offence or bad academic practice you must check with your tutor.

A government is an enormous and complex organization.
Its operations and strategic focus can be greatly enhanced by the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Today, most governments in developing countries have ongoing information systems projects aiming at improvements in productivity, efficiency of administration, transparency, improvement in the quality of public sector services and citizen participation.

ICTs are, without doubt, enormously powerful tools for development. Perhaps, the real significance of ICTs is not in the technologies as such, but in the possibilities they open up for access to knowledge, information, and communications.

Even though the evidence suggests that under the right circumstances ICT may deliver substantial benefits in the areas of governance and public participation, significant barriers to the effective implementation, uptake and use of ICTs by developing countries also exist, not to mention that the
characteristic challenges that developing nations face may make ICT implementations by their national governments fail to succeed.

A newly appointed CIO of the Information and Communication Technology sector of the World Trade Organization is prioritising setting out a modern descriptive framework for categorising key factors in ICT implementations for developing countries.

Tasks to be undertaken:
1.Your task is to prepare a report for the new CIO to inform his decision making.
2.In this report, you should explain the possible issues and challenges of implementing modern ICT interventions by national governments of developing countries, while considering more specifically, the characteristic socio-technical challenges prevalent in these developing nations.Consider also what solutions there are (service models, deployments etc).
3.Include an evaluation of the advantages (including socio-economic, organizational and technological benefits), and disadvantages if any, of implementing ICT.
4.Your report MUST include an evaluation of the possible drivers/enablers, and barriers/inhibitors of any ICT implementation programme.

IMAT2601 Individual Report On ICT Implementation Assignment- De Montfort University Leicester UK.

IMAT2601 Individual Report On ICT Implementation Assignment

Additional advice:
1.Reflecting on the context of the e-Government reality more generally, and researching the increasing diffusion of ICT in developing countries:
a. Evaluate the current implementations of e-Government in developing countries.
b. Discuss the new uses and ICT initiatives in the public sector.
c. Identify the conditions that must be satisfied in order for there to be a well-focussed application of ICTs across national government departments.

2.Research the specific challenges (including socio-technical challenges) facing developing nations.

3.Research the technology (ICT implementation models, deployment, procurement, solutions..)

4.Define the main concepts and provide explanations.

5.Clearly identify the benefits and the risks.

6.Clearly mention whether the benefits outweigh the risks and why.

7.Provide solutions/recommendations.

8.Evaluate your sources. Do not take everything at face value. Citing Wikipedia, Techopedia and similar sources will NOT be positively evaluated by the CIO.

Deliverables to be submitted for assessment:
One (1) Report according to the ‘Tasks to be undertaken’ section.
This should follow the specifications below:

IMAT2601 Individual Report On ICT Implementation Assignment- De Montfort University Leicester UK.

IMAT2601 Individual Report On ICT Implementation Assignment

Specifications and Assessment:

  • Your report should be structured with an introduction, a main body (sectioned as you see fit),a recommendations section, and a list of your sources.
  • You may wish to include diagrams, pictures, tables and other types of content in your report to support your arguments and help the reader in parsing the content. *Remember the context of this report, and who is meant to be the reader of your report (―the CIO and your tutor).
  • All pages MUST be numbered.
  • Font size: 11pt
  • Font type: Times New Roman
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • Margins: Use fully justified margins
  • Word count: 6,000 (allowance: ±10% words)
  • Spelling and grammar errors will be penalized, depending on extent.
  • Reference citations: Use the APA style.
  • Formatting and presentation of the report will be taken into account during marking.
  • The use of appropriate references will be positively evaluated.
  • The use of inappropriate references (e.g., blogs, tabloid etc.) will be evaluated negatively.

How the work will be marked:
Marks will be awarded according to the marking grid (*available in Blackboard).

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