Module Code :- KV7002
Module Title :- Human-Computer Interaction for Social Change
Assessment title :- Group Assessment
Word Limit :- Not applicable (10 minute presentation/demo & interactive prototype max. 12-page pictorial
Weighting :- This coursework accounts for 40% of the total mark for this module
KV7002 Human Computer Interaction For Social Change Assignment-Northumbria University UK.

Relevant Programme-level Learning Outcomes :-
This assignment contributes to the following Programme-level learning outcomes:
KU2: Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge and critical understanding of essential facts concepts principles theories methods techniques and tools in the application and management of a range of current and emerging aspects of computer science
KU4: Apply a comprehensive understanding of the professional, ethical, legal and
social issues involved in the development and operation of a range of aspects of
computer science.
IPSA1: Systematically identify and analyse complex problems of a familiar and
unfamiliar nature working both individually or as a member of a team and offer
appropriate strategic solutions using a range of effective methods and tools
IPSA7: Use appropriate techniques, tools and knowledge to support effective project
PVA3: Demonstrate creativity in problem solving and decision making in complex
and unpredictable situations
Module Learning Outcomes Assessed
On completion of the assignment students should have achieved the following learning out comes module learning outcomes can be found in full in the module hand book:
MLO1: Understanding human-centred design principles, approaches, and techniques
MLO2: Understanding design skills for social change
MLO4: Group development of an interactive artefact or environment to support social change
Task Overview :-
This is a group assignment. You’ll be assigned to a group by the module team in class on black board (ELP). Your group must respond to the brief below by designing and proto typing an appropriate interactive technology. The deliver ables for this assignment are (1) a 10 minute presentation of your design process and a live demo of your interactive proto type (2) a pictorial documenting your design process and interactive prototype following the guidelines below and (3) your interactive prototype Your prototype can be low fidelity but it must be interactive (e.g. inter face mock-ups wire frames and user journeys). You should demonstrate an Understanding of human-centred design principles approaches and techniques and an Under standing of design skills for social change through your do cumentation of the design process and your rationale and critical reflection on the proto type you produce.
You should use your pictorial as the basis for your presentation.
Design brief:
You have been approached by the local authority in Gates head to design and develop a digital resource for addressing food poverty What this might do or look like is left in tentionally vague so that it can emerge from your research and design process. It could be some thing that people in food poverty might use to find services that are available to support them in Gateshead and something that community organisations providing services for people in food poverty (e.g., food parcels can use to communicate with people in poverty and coordinate with other organisations for example. Whatever form it takes your design decisions should be justified with respect to your research and design work.
Assessment for this module consists of two parts: an individual component worth 60% and a group component worth 40% You are encouraged to use the secondary research & design materials that you should have carried out in the individual component as long as it can be done in a manner that avoids collusion on the individual assignment as well as any design concepts related to the topic developed during the module work shops as a starting point for your design process.
Group work:
You must work together as a group to assign responsibility for and coordinate the group activities. Not every group member needs to take part in every activity.
It’s advisable to take advantage of the individual strengths of your group members in figuring out how each member contributes.
For example some members may not be comfortable giving presentations and might only play a small role or no role at all in the final presentation. If so they should compensate by making a larger contribution in another part of the project e.g. design or proto typing.
Peer assessment :-
Each group member will peer-assess the contribution of them selves to the group work as well as the contribution of each of the other members. These assessments will be used to weight the average group mark for each of the individual members (see Appendix 1—3).
Peer assessment forms will be due 1 week after the other assignment materials to give you time to reflect on the contributions made by each of the group members including your self having gone through the whole process.
Assessment parts:
1. Presentation
Each group will have 10 minutes to present their pictorial i.e. design process & inter active proto type and to demo their inter active proto type This will take place during the time tabled lectures in Week 12.
All parts of the pictorial should be presented At least one member of the group must present your work Multiple or all of your group members can participate in the presentation and demo if you choose. Details of the presentation will provided in class/on Black board (ELP).
KV7002 Human Computer Interaction For Social Change Assignment-Northumbria University UK.
2. Pictorial (max. 12 pages excluding references):
Pictorials are papers in which the visual components (e.g. diagrams sketches illustrations renderings photo graphs annotated photo graphs collages are the primary means of conveying information with at least if not more importance as the accompanying text. 1
You should use the template and follow the for matting guidelines on the DIS2020 website 1 Some examples of published pictorials will be made available in class/on Blackboard (ELP) for reference.
Your pictorial must document your design process (including formative prototypes and group activities present your interactive prototype and explain your group’s rationale for both of tthese making reference to any data literature or design concepts that these relate e.g. design fictions that your group may have produced. It should demonstrate the following:
1. understanding and application of design concepts, qualities, and skills
2. use of appropriate methods and prototyping materials to design and develop interactive prototype(s)
3. an appropriate design and development process and rationale for design decisions
4. evidence of the relationship of the designed artefact to research using citations to academic literature)
5. critical reflection on the value of the designed arte fact for addressing a social change challenge
Your pictorial must be submitted via Blackboard. The submitted file should be in the form of a PDF (.pdf).
3. Interactive prototype:
You are not required to submit your interactive proto type but you must present a demonstration of it in your presentation. Your prototype can be low-fidelity but it must be inter active (e.g. inter face mock-ups wire frames and user journeys and your demo should clearly illustrate how a user might interact with it.
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