L7 Finance Coursework Assignment

Unit Title :- L7 Finance Coursework
Assessment Type :-
Students will select a company from a list posted below. You must obtain a copy of the company & #39s most recent Annual Report and Financial Statements.
L7 Finance Coursework Assignment

L7 Finance Coursework Assignment

Required :-
Analyse and discuss the recent financial performance the last five years of your company. Your analysis must compare your company to one other listed company operating in the same business sector using the Financial Times classification of business sectors. Your analysis and discussion should consider the following areas:

a) Historical trends in accounting statement entries for example turnover profit dividends cash flow from operations long-term debt and so on.

b) Historical trends and inter-company comparisons of relevant accounting ratios for example return on capital employed net profit margin earnings per share debt/equity ratio current ratio and so on.

 Your coursework MUST be word-processed and no more than 2,500 words in length (+/- 10% allowance).
 Calculations may be included in an appendix and are not included in the word count.
 A summary of your calculated ratios must be included in the body of your assignment for ease of viewing.
 You are recommended to use a report format for the sake of clarity.
 You are advised to look at relevant material from a variety of relevant sources including the module material and media sources such as the financial press and academic journals.
 All sources of information you use must be clearly identified using SHU APA referencing. Please see the link below:
 All quotations made directly from books, journals or other information media must be clearly acknowledged by using footnotes and quotation marks.
 You are reminded that plagiarism the deliberate inclusion in work submitted for assessment of a substantial unacknowledged portion of someone else’s material whether published or not is a breach of University’s assessment regulations and may be dealt with severely.

You must choose one of the following companies. You must obtain a copy of your company & # 39s most recent Annual Report and Financial Accounts. This can be done through the Financial Times World Investor Link through Yahoo! or by accessing the company's own web page.

L7 Finance Coursework Assignment

L7 Finance Coursework Assignment

Babcock International
BAE Systems
British American
BT Group
Compass Group
Dixons Carphone

Imperial Brands
InterContinental Hotels
Marks & Spencer
National Grid
Reckitt Benckiser
Rio Tinto Group
Rolls-Royce Holdings
Sage Group
Sainsbury (J)
Severn Trent
British American
Smith & Nephew
United Utilities
WPP Group

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