Module code and title: LC564 Citizenship Community and Welfare
Weighting : 100%
Assessment Type : Written Assignment
Words Count : 2500 words
LC564 Citizenship Community And Welfare Assignment – UK

Assignment task :-
Write a 2500-word essay in which you analyse conceptions of citizenship and forms of welfare provision and ways in which these have changed and evolved in relation to each other over time with in one of the following policy domains:
1.Social security & income maintenance
3.Health care
5.Personal social services (e.g. social care, social work, probation and aftercare supervision for offenders).
As the scope of each of these domains is very broad you should focus your analysis on an aspect of welfare provision within your chosen domain that is of particular interest.
Though discussion may focus on aspects of the issues in question that are of particular relevance the following provides a broad guide:
A.WELFARE PROVISION – This may include evolving understandings of the problem(s) welfare provision in the chosen domain is intended to address (e.g. particular needs, risks or vulnerabilities), and how these affect particular groups; the organisation and delivery of welfare services in this domain, including the mix of institutions involved (e.g. state, market, families,voluntary sector organisations) and the roles they play; forms of surveillance, sanction or discipline associated with this form of welfare provision, and who these affect.
This may include changing conceptions of what citizenship is e.g. a legal status membership of a community a basis for social or economic inclusion a sense of belonging underlying principles or values that inform social participation amongst citizens and key social institutions such as the state e.g. solidarity equality personal responsibility resilience the kinds of status rights and or ways of being socially inclusive exclusive characteristic of citizenship in a given period and how citizenship intersects with other significant aspects of social identity such as race ethnicity gender class or such like.
Analysis of ways in which these have changed and evolved in relation to each other over time may for example focus on ways that particular forms of welfare provision have been linked to particular models of citizenship how certain values and principles have informed types of welfare provision or how forms inclusion exclusion associated with community membership have affected access to welfare goods ways that changes to welfare provision have undermined status rights and or obligations associated with earlier models of citizenship; or such like.
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
LO 1 Critically evaluate concepts of modernity late modernity and the impact on welfare provision.
LO 2 Evaluate of the meaning(s) and theoretical model of citizenship in contemporary Britain.
LO 3 Demonstrate a critically evaluate theories of risk vulnerability and resilience in selected social issues.
LO 4 Demonstrate a critical understanding of the disciplinary functions of the welfare state as an agent of social surveillance.
Task requirements
1. All work to be submitted as Arial 12 font with 1.5 line spacing.
2. State the total number of words used. Put this at the end of the bibliography, e.g. “Word count: 1,021)”.