Module title: Managing Programmes and Projects
Module code: LD7160
Assignment title: Detailed Project Case Study Analysis
% Weighting (to overall module): This assignment is worth 100% of the module marks.
LD7160 Managing Programmes And Projects Assignment-Northumbria University UK.

Module Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge & Understanding:
Establish conceptual understanding of the complex scenarios that multiple and major projects environments and settings have, including the relationships between projects, programmes or portfolios within host organizations.
Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:
- Critically appraise existing project management knowledge and identify areas that can improve aspects of project delivery for stakeholders through the application of project management theory or practice.
- Critically reflect upon approaches to problem-solving on real life projects, in order to evaluate, learn from, and adopt similar, appropriate, solutions in future professional practice
Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):
- Embrace critical thinking, to systematically identify, analyse, plan, produce, and then present, original work for academic review.
- Embrace academic, ethical, and professional standards, through practice and conduct, whilst developing understanding of competence in project management
Module Assessment
The assessment is worth 100% of the marks of the module. It will be submitted and assessed electronically and addresses the Module Learning Outcomes listed above.
Assignment Brief
The assignment will focus on the management of a project selected from an approved list.(Where there is an opportunity to use an existing project from the student’s own experience this will be considered and agreed with the module tutor.)
The essay should contain:
1.An introduction that positions the project within a wider political, environmental, social, technological, legal and economic context and explains the rational for its inception and implementation.
LD7160 Managing Programmes And Projects Assignment-Northumbria University UK.

2.A detailed analysis of the management of the project covering all the relevant aspects of project management involved.
3.A detailed analysis of the management of the project covering all the relevant aspects of project management involved.
4.The lessons learned from the conception, initiation and management of the project.
5.Observations and conclusions on the analysis, evaluation and lessons learned, recommendations for future projects and what the student learned about project management from the assignment.
Assessment Criteria / Marking Scheme
Introduction – (20%):
The clarity and conciseness with which relevant aspects of the project background is explained including its importance to the sponsoring organisation and other key stakeholders, its objectives and drivers along with its value. This should also include a broad outline of the political, environmental, social, technological, legal and economic context in which the project was conceived.
Detailed Analysis of the Management of the Project – (20%):
The extent and quality of the analysis of the project with respect to the elements of project management which demonstrates an understanding of which elements were applied and how they were applied, which elements
were not applied, and the importance of both.
Critical Evaluation of the Management of the Project – (30%):
Drawing from the analysis of the management of the project, case study materials, contemporary project management research and knowledge and the student’s relevant personal experience, the focus, precision and quality of the critical evaluation which demonstrates an understanding of the elements of project management and how they should be applied.
Lessons learned from the conception, initiation and management of the project – (10%):
The depth of insight and imagination displayed in the analysis of the project as a whole and the assessment of lessons learned, supported by relevant and contemporary project management research and knowledge.
Observations & Conclusions – (10%):
The quality and insight shown in providing a summary of the work drawn from the preceding content with observations, conclusions and recommendations for future projects. The insight shown in the personal
assessment of the contribution made toward the learning outcomes of the module by the research, analysis and critical evaluation involved.
LD7160 Managing Programmes And Projects Assignment-Northumbria University UK.

Quality of Presentation – (10%):
The work should set out its arguments in a clear and concise manner with specific care to ensure readability, good sentence structure, avoidance of jargon and explanation of acronyms, etc. Consideration should be give
to the appropriate structure, with the formation of thematic paragraphs to create a logically flowing report. It will be beneficial to support the text with appropriate figures and tables. This also requires a suitable and
proportionate Reference List.