MAN7126 Research Practice Assignment – UK

Module Code :- MAN7126
Module Title :- Research Practice
Students must produce a 1,500-word research proposal and complete an ethics form for ethical approval of their proposed research. The pass mark for this module is 50%.
Assessment result release :-
20 working days Approved late submissions will receive results after 25 working days in line with the assessment and feedback policy
Learning outcomes to be covered:- 1, 2 and 3
MAN7126 Research Practice Assignment – UK

MAN7126 Research Practice Assignment

Assessment overview :-
The research proposal develops the initial research topic It will take the format of Background Aims and Objectives Rationale Outline Literature Review Outline Methodology Project Plan GANTT chart or similar and an Ethics Form.The proposal is designed to focus your thoughts on what you are trying to achieve before attempting the main project itself It helps you and your supervisor clarify your aims and objectives and ensures that all work following the proposal is effective and productive in facilitating your achievement of the modules learning outcomes.

The word count for this assessment is 1,500-words with a +10% margin. This means you can write a maximum of 1,650-words. The word count excludes cover sheet table of contents Gantt chart (in figure format only not table) ethics form and the reference list. Submissions that exceed the maximum word limit will not be marked after the +10% tolerance margin.

Only the student signature is required on the ethics form. Your proposal should be submitted electronically via Moodle using the eSubmission link in Moodle.

The deadline for submitting your topic is The submission will not count towards the proposal final mark. You will not receive feedback for topic submission. The purpose of the topic submission is to allocate you a supervisor for Major Project in semester 3.

Criteria for selecting a topic.
There are some restrictions for selecting a topic. Below is a criterion for choosing a topic for each path way.

MAN7126 Research Practice Assignment – UK

MSc Management and International Business (IB) Pathway
An IB Pathway proposal could be ‘international’ via:
1) Collecting data in two countries.
2) Collecting data in one country and comparing it with secondary data in another country (previous studies).
3) It relates to the activities of an international company in a country that is not its home country. For instance not Bentley Motors in the UK because Bentley Motors is a UK company. However it would be permitted to focus on Bentley Motors in Switzerland.
4) Avoid Market entry plans as they lack critical thinking and analysable data.
5) Not include a finance-related topic.

MSc Management and Marketing Pathway
A Marketing Pathway proposal must:
1) Focus on a marketing-related topic that is relevant.
2) Consider an outcome for the research on a company or consumers.
3) Analytical and investigate beyond basic consumer market research.
4) Avoid market entry plans as they lack critical thinking and analysable data.
5) Not include a finance-related topic.

MSc Management and Finance Pathway
A Finance Pathway proposal must:
1) Focus on a finance-related topic that is relevant.
2) Avoid other pathways such as marketing and human resource management.
3) Clearly focused on facilitating an in-depth approach subject to the availability of adequate sources and your knowledge.
4) Demonstrate evidence of financial analytical skills in your data.

Further guidance for all pathways
You are advised not to undertake a strategic analysis of a company or analyse its strategy as it has proved hard to get realistic valid data. Some students have failed because they only asked a few customers about strategic success with the company data. This is particularly true of multinational enterprises global enterprises and the banking sector. You must consider access to data when framing your questions and study outcomes.

To this end case studies i.e. worked illustrative examples are only acceptable if they are situated within a broader context and involve primary data collection and analysis.

Historical retrospective write-ups e.g. How Coke made it big in India are not acceptable.
Similarly industry reports such as The Indian Diamond industry or Thailands auto spares industry are un acceptable.

Research Practice Hour and Formative Feedback
You will have the opportunity for one to one support with topic selection in week three during the work shop times. We will dis close your meeting time in the week commencing 31st January during the work shop.

Research Practice Hour is like a GP consultation meeting. You have 10 minutes to discuss your research interest with a tutor. The tutor will critically assess one research topic from your claim which you can pursue the proposal.

MAN7126 Research Practice Assignment – UK

It is not the responsibility of tutors to provide you with a topic At this level it is your responsibility to identify a suitable research area read empirical research on the subject to formulate a feasible research aim. The role of the tutor is to facilitate a critical discussion to reach a suitable research focus.

The research practice hour is an optional meeting but you are encouraged to take on this opportunity to frame a critical and feasible research project.

In addition the team will provide formative feedback in the week commencing 28th of March. You can upload a complete draft working draft or outline of your proposal to Moodle for constructive feedback. The input will not contribute to the final grade. However it is an opportunity for you to receive feedback to improve the quality of your research proposal.The portal will open on.

MAN7126 Research Practice Assignment – UK

MAN7126 Research Practice Assignment

We will issue feedback within two working days of submission. There will be no grade awarded and only one submission is permitted for formative feedback. Work sent via email will not be considered. We will not extend the portal so make sure you upload the draft during the above week.

Recommended Proposal Structure
The proposal must be formal in content structure language style and presentation using the formatting requirements set below and it must demonstrate academic rigour expected at this level of study.

The proposal should include the following:

1.Title Background and Problem Statement
o A clear and critical understanding of your chosen topic.The topic must be both worth while and relevant to your pathway as reflected by:
o A working title – a description of your topic (you may change this later)
o Background – explain the background context to your chosen topic in a descriptive manner
o Problem statement – move from your background to identify the specific topic you have chosen by providing a rationale for its relevance interest uniqueness and importance.

MAN7126 Research Practice Assignment – UK

2. Aims Objectives and Research Questions
o Aims – usually one main purpose, explaining what you are planning to do
o Objectives – usually 3 to 7 more specific than aims describing how you plan to achieve your aim refining the purpose (s) into smaller parts
o Research questions – one to five questions you intend to explore and answer

3.Outline Literature Review
o A short review of literature relevant to your topic. The review must reflect:
o Provide proof of scholarship
o Reflect on your basic understanding of your topic
o Reflect your intellectual ability to construct critical arguments based on your reading of the relevant literature

4.Outline Methodology
o A well-reasoned methodological approach in terms of:
o A conceptual framework (optional)
o The scope of the research
o The choice of a research strategy
o A basic understanding of methods and techniques to collect primary data
o If a survey is to be used, this should include how you intend to select your sample and distribute questionnaires.
o What tools and techniques will be used to analyse the data

MAN7126 Research Practice Assignment – UK

5.Project Plan
o An appreciation of your research’s feasibility within the time available to you. A Project Plan using a Gantt chart or similar graphical device showing activities to be under taken at specific times.

this should not simply be cut and pasted from the template provided but should show evidence of personalisation. You should also provide a short written narrative.

6.Ethic forms – include completed ethics form at the end of the reference list.

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