Learning Outcomes:Learning outcomes 1 and 2 of the unit (as set in the UIF) will be met in this assignment.
In order to pass the assessment you will need to:
Addressing specific research questions critically analyse and
interpret your findings which should be underpinned by a
substantial literature review and developed through a detailed
research methodology. Indicate a correct and appropriate body of knowledge which is referenced to support the completion of the dissertation.
MAR042-6 Business Dissertation Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK.
![MAR042-6 Business Dissertation Assignment](https://assignmenthelps.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/MAR042-6-Business-Dissertation-Assignment-.jpg)
Assessment 2: The Dissertation Weighting
Your final assessment will be an individual business dissertation which will be a considered and comprehensive response to your research objectives agreed with your supervisor.
Your dissertation will encapsulate your approach to the research, the research methods that you have deployed, an analysis of the knowledge generated as part of the investigative process and a reflection on your personal development as a consequence of this research project experience. It will need to demonstrate your understanding of the topic area in the context of contemporary academic theory,models and debate. Your dissertation will comprise a number of integrative elements all of which will contribute to the achievement of the learning outcomes for this unit.
Note: Turnitin will be used for all submissions to check for plagiarism. We also reserve the right to initiate a viva voce examination if we have concerns regarding the originality of your submission. Dates of the Viva will be provided during the induction week. You need to be available for such an event following the submission of your dissertation.
Mitigation against high risk assessments:
In order to ensure that students submit their own original work, the nature of the two assessments are such that the majority of the student output is very closely related to original creative development and actual performance making it difficult for a student either to resort to contract plagiarism or copying from their peers. The elements of assessment that most lend themselves to contract plagiarism might be the written reports, but the creative and original nature of these and the level of challenge of the tasks undertaken make it unusual for students to be able to pass off
someone else’s work as their own. In any case, the teaching team reserve the right to demand examination by viva voce and all written work is submitted through BREO.
The following points should be observed:
The format is an academic structure, the style must be formal, serious and ‘research-based, therefore we recommend that you avoid writing in the first person (“I”); rather the third person is recommended (e.g. it can therefore be suggested that…).
The best report will demonstrate a deep understanding of the key issues of your debate (derived from your research) and ownership of the material resulting in critical conclusions. The main assessment criteria are listed in your unit Handbook, and the assessment grading grid is also included in this brief. It is also available to access /download on the unit’s Breo site.
MAR042-6 Business Dissertation Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK
![MAR042-6 Business Dissertation Assignment](https://assignmenthelps.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/MAR042-6-Business-Dissertation-Assignment-Bedfordshire.jpg)
The following structure should be observed for your report:
Title page
List of Contents
List of Figures and/or Tables (if applicable)
Literature Review
Research Methodology
Findings, Analysis/Discussions
Conclusions (and Recommendations where appropriate)
Project supervision
A project supervisor will be allocated to support each student in the project period. During the 12-week project, the supervisor is required to attend at least two project meetings with both the project company and the student. In addition, the supervisor and the student are scheduled to have project progress meetings at least five times (weeks 3, 5, 7, & 11 of the project) and provide feedback to help the student improve their business report.
To maximise your experience and indeed, your performance or grade, you need to ‘harvest’the experience and knowledge of your supervisor, you must keep contact with your supervisor for feedback on your progress.
MAR042-6 Business Dissertation Assignment-Bedfordshire University UK
![MAR042-6 Business Dissertation Assignment](https://assignmenthelps.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/MAR042-6-Business-Dissertation-Assignment-Bedfordshire-University-UK.jpg)
Time Management
The capstone unit of your Masters’ programme comprises 2 blocks (12 weeks) and accounts for 60 credits towards your final degree classification.
The work is, however, to be carried out by you, with support from us.
YOU need to ensure you attend ALL the introductory sessions’ delivered in the capstone induction week and teaching week (week 1).
YOU need to regularly access and review the materials (particularly in the
Guided Learning Area) on Breo.
YOU need to attend and prepare for the periodic meetings with your