MARK7006 MSc Research Proposal Assessment information

This module follows the principles of the University’s Assessment Compact developed in conjunction with the Student Union, to ensure good practice and transparency in assessment and feedback processes. The Assessment Compact can be found in your Programme Handbook or on your programme’s Brookes Virtual site.

Coursework (100% individual assignment)

MARK7006 MSc Research Proposal

Learning outcomes of MARK7006 MSc Research Proposal Assessment

  1. Recognise and critically evaluate approaches to marketing and business research and the assumptions upon which
  2. Critically evaluate primary and secondary sources relevant to the marketing subject area.
  3. Select and justify appropriate qualitative and/or quantitative research methods for data collection and analysis
  4. Reflect upon how the quality and scope of research can influence marketing decision making.
  5. Recognise some of the potential limitations to research investigation and application.
  6. Develop a coherent and cogent research proposal

MARK7006 MSc Research Proposal Assignment task

There is one individual assignment, a research proposal of 2,000 words which is worth 100% of the module mark.

Please use the template (find the word document on Moodle) provided to submit the research proposal.

The proposal plays an important role to build your dissertation / project, outline and justify the research you wish to undertake. The proposal is assessed, and you must at least ‘pass’ before starting your dissertation / project and being allocated a supervisor. The proposal constitutes a substantial, independent piece of research that you will undertake within the subject area of your master’s programme.

The research proposal should be a maximum of 2,000 words. This excludes references and appendices (if used). Submissions that extend beyond the word count will not be marked after the first 2,000 words.

Presenting coursework for assessment

Your assignment must be presented in the following format:

  • It must be word-processed in 11 point Arial font and double-spaced
  • All pages must be numbered
  • Margins must be as follows: Top: 1 inch, Bottom: 1 inch (2.5 cm), Left: 1.25 inches, Right: 1.25 inches (3.2 cm)
  • It should not contain your name(s)

Assignment length

The length of the assignment is limited by a set number of 2,000 to contribute towards the development of writing skills and to ensure all work is assessed equitably. We therefore require you to complete your assignments within the number of 2,000 words specified in the assignment brief.

You will need to think carefully about how best to explain your case within the permitted number of 2,000, using, for example, an appropriate mix of text, drawings, diagrams and tables, supplemented by information contained in appendices.

Please also remember that a report can be enhanced or damaged through layout, for example, placing all tables and drawings in appendices can hamper the flow of discussion. Decisions therefore need to be made about the most appropriate place to use tables etc, to support your case

The specified 2,000 count refers to the main body of the proposal and does not include front cover, title page, contents page, executive summary, reference list, bibliography or appendices

Appendices themselves will not be marked. However, inappropriate use of appendices will be taken into consideration when awarding the final mark.

Words that exceed the maximum allowed will not be marked. If in doubt, you should discuss this with the Module Leader before submission.

Authenticating your coursework

You must be able to demonstrate that the course work you submit for assessment is your own. You must therefore keep all working documents (electronic and paper) that you used or created while preparing the assignment, such as photocopies of sources and internet pages, your own notes on your reading and preparation and where primary research has been conducted, completed questionnaires or interview schedules, details of the process of analysis, field notes and so on. Most importantly, you should keep the early developing drafts of your coursework as evidence of the originality of your work by saving each revision to a file with a different name. This material should be kept until after the module results have been published on “Student Information”

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