Module Code :- MD3059
Module Title :- Business Strategy
Level :- 6
Assessment Type :- Assignment 2 Essay
Length :- (2000 words +/-10%)
This assignment addresses learning outcome 1, 2 and 3 for the module and will assess your ability to demonstrate the achievement of these learning outcomes in your assignment.
MD3059 Business Strategy Assignment – UK
The learning outcomes are :-
1. Under take an analysis of an organisation and identify and evaluate the major forces that are at work from a strategic management perspective
2. Select and apply appropriate tools and techniques to examine the strategic options and to explain and assess the consequences of those choices
3. Describe and make an assessment of the impact of organisational change
Requirement :-
In the form of an essay evaluate ways in which organisations may successfully implement strategic change.
Discuss this using an example of an organization that you have researched and with which you are familiar.
This may be an organisation you work for have worked for or any organisation in the public domain where you can identify that strategic change has taken place.
In answering this assignment you will need to apply academic theory and models to the discussion in the evaluation of your chosen organisation.
Ensure that you have researched the company and identified the change that they have implemented .
Review the models of change discussed in the lectures and apply them appropriately to the company that you have selected.
The main elements of the assessment learning outcomes and the relevant tools and models will be covered during the module and these will be supported by resources provided on Blackboard
The link to the module reading list is available on Blackboard
Assignment should be submitted via the Turnitin Link provided on Blackboard
Indicative Marking Criteria:
MD3059 Business Strategy Assignment – UK
You are required to produce
1. Work that demonstrates your ability to apply relevant academic theory when exploring strategic change and its implementation
2. Critical analysis of the strategic development including how to overcome any potential resistance to it including recommendations/justifications based upon your analysis
3. Work that is underpinned by academic references from a range of academic journals and text books. You need to attach a reference list which covers only the references used in your work.
4. Work that it is an essay format that is written in the third person
MD3059 Business Strategy Assignment – UK
You will lose marks if :-
1. You produce work that is outside of the work count by more than 10%
2. Your work is badly written, or with poor grammar or spelling, or is written in anything other than the third person
3. Your referencing is not in formal Harvard format
4. You do not use extensive referencing. You are likely to fail if you rely exclusively on non-academic references.
5. Your Turnitin score identifies inappropriate copying of material or poor paraphrasing
6. You do not include an appropriate front sheet to your work. The font sheet must include the title the word count and your student number but must not include your name
7. You submit your work late