Module Code :- MKT7002
Module Title :- Effective brand and advertising management
Weighting :- 75 %
Assignment Type :-
Task/assessment brief:
Task: If you are resitting the assessment: Please improve your original assessment taking into consideration all the comments given through feedback. You will find your work in the Assessment folder. Any questions just ask
MKT7002 Effective Brand And Advertising Management Assessment – UK.

You are required to prepare a 3,000 word report in which you will develop a strategic advertising plan for a brand of your choice using Percy and Rosenbaum-Elliot (2012) strategic advertising plan under the headings of:
Identification and justification of the objective for this strategic advertising plan
Percy and Rosenbaum-Elliot (2012) 5 step strategic advertising plan
Integrated use of the Marketing Communications Mix:
• Message (creative, a mock up of an advert)
• Tools (identification and justification tools to be used)
• Media (identification and justification tools to be used)
• Media schedule
Word count (or equivalent): 3000 + or – 10%
This a reflection of the effort required for the assessment. Word counts will normally include any text tables calculations figures sub titles and citations. Reference lists and contents of appendices are excluded from the word count. Contents of appendices are not usually considered when determining your final assessment grade.
File Format:
The assessment must be submitted as a pdf document save the document as a pdf in your software and submit through the Turnitin submission point in Moodle.
Learning outcomes assessed
1. Critically evaluate the role of advertising strategies and how they integrate with the planning process.
2. Develop and implement an effective advertising strategy, which reflects organisational needs and conforms to legal norms.
3. Critically assess the outcomes results that can be achieved through advertising and promotion and their impact on organisational performance.
4. Critically appraise current and future challenges facing advertising and their impact on marketing communications thinking and practice in relation to the planning process.
MKT7002 Effective Brand And Advertising Management Assessment

Other skills/attributes developed
This includes elements of the Cardiff Met EDGE Ethical Digital Global and Entrepreneurial skills and other attributes developed in students through the completion of the module and assessment. These will also be highlighted in the module guidance which should be read by all students completing the module. Assessments are not just a way of auditing student knowledge. They are a process which provides additional learning and development through the preparation for and completion of the assessment.
1. Identify growth opportunities to grow a brand through advertising (entrepreneurial)
2. Student creative skills through the digital meduim