MOD007807 Case Study Assignment

Module Code & Title :-  MOD007807 Case Study
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Basic information :-
Summary of reason why MASH information gathering has been requested(drawing on information obtained from the Contact)
 Chloe is six months pregnant.
 Chloe has a learning disability and self-harms.
 Tom is a wheelchair user due to double amputation below the knees. Injuries caused whilst serving in Iraq war.
 Tom has a diagnosis of post- traumatic stress disorder and depression.
 Tom drinks heavily and smokes ‘spice’.
 Tom hasn’t worked since being discharged from the army. He occasionally earns some by doing some odd jobs for the man over the road. Tom is in receipt of various benefits.
 Recently Tom’s so-called friends have been staying.They smoke and take drugs and Chloe thinks they have been looking at her. She is worried for herself and the children she wants a better life.
 Children George 5 years old and Chardonnay 4 years old also at home.
MOD007807 Case Study Assignment

MOD007807 Case Study Assignment

Source of referral :- Community Midwife

Type of abuse suspected (Adults)
 Financial or material abuse
 Domestic violence or abuse
 Neglect and acts of omission

Full description of alleged abuse
 Chloe says she doesn’t have any money or access to her own phone she uses Tom’s. She has recently admitted that if she likes something ‘she takes it’.
 Chloe had a bruise on her upper arm which suggested she had been grabbed. She said that she banged it on the door.
 Whilst in the reception Tom was heard telling Chloe not to say anything.
 Tom’s friend Joseph manages the money because Tom can’t get to the cash point. He also seems to be at the house a lot. Recently Tom’s friends have been staying. They smoke and take drugs and Chloe thinks they have been looking at her. She is worried for herself and the children she wants a better life.
 No other family support. Chloe said Tom gets upset when they visit and they argue so they stopped visiting.

MOD007807 Case Study Assignment

Location alleged abuse took place :-  Ballamoray Community Health Centre
Source of risk :- Partner Tom and friend Joseph

Agency checks
Is this child or family known to you?


 Tom arrested for suspicion of ABH in August 2022 (No further action)
 Tom convicted of being drunk and disorderly in March 2022 (Fine).
 Chloe arrested for shoplifting/theft in December 2022 (under investigation)

Pre 2021
 Chloe arrested for common assault in 2021 (No further action)
 Tom was arrested 2 years ago for possession of cannabis No further action).

MOD007807 Case Study Assignment

Is this child or family known to you?
 Chardonnay and Lucie open to Health Visiting service. Lucie can say a few words still wears a nappy and enjoys fizzy drinks. She can’t build a tower of bricks.
 No health concerns regarding Chardonnay however delayed speech shown from 2.5 years developmental health check. Recommended parents attend Speech and Language drop-in clinic. Parents have not attended to date.
 Chloe is a little difficult to get hold of as she doesn’t have her own phone. Some times Tom answers but will then end the call quickly.
 George is open to the School Nurse. No apparent health concerns raised.
 Tom attended the GP 2 years ago and has not attended since. He was due a six-monthly medication review which he didn’t attend.

Is this child or family known to you?
 Tom is named as the tenant on the agreement.
 Rent is paid for through Housing benefit however service charge is in arrears by £254. Tom has not made contact to resolve this.
 Neighbours have raised concerns regarding noise nuisance.

Social Care :-

Is this child or family known to you?
 Previously referred by anonymous referrer. Concerns regarding neglect
of the children. Was referred to Intensive Family Support however family did not engage so case was closed.

MOD007807 Case Study Assignment

MOD007807 Case Study Assignment

Mental Health Services

Is this child or family known to you?
 Tom has a diagnosis of post- traumatic stress disorder (2019) and depression (2017).
 Tom is being treated by GP.
 Chloe has history of self-harm.

Is this child or family known to you?
 George and Chardonnay attend Ballamory Nursery and Primary school.
 Attendance is poor (45%) and when they do attend they are late (usually after 9.30am).
 They are both below age related expectations have few if any friends and wear the same clothes every day. School have offered to keep a spare uniform at school how ever parents have refused this.
 The children enjoy school lunches and cuddles with the play ground supervisors.
 Today it was noted that Chardonnay has a mark on her left cheek under her eye. She said that daddy threw a cup at mummy”.

Summative Assignment-
Using the case study below, complete a case analysis of the safeguarding concerns from both an Adult & and a Children & perspective. Your assignment should be no more than 4000 words excluding in-text references.

This assignment must include:
  A detailed analysis of the case including giving examples of relevant case law and/or policy initiatives in this area.
  Prioritisation of issues of safeguarding and risk.
  Detail of multi-agency practices and sharing information
 Research and evidence relating to the categories of abuse and the multi- agency intervention.
 Align to all four learning outcomes. (LO1, LO2, LO3 & LO4)

Module learning outcomes:

Knowledge and Understanding
1.Demonstrate a clear under standing of legislation and policy per taining to safeguarding

Knowledge and Understanding
2.Show a critical knowledge of the professional roles and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and how to respond to risk and uncertainty

Intellectual practical affective and transferable skills
3. Critically analyse the signs and categories of abuse and how they manifest in context drawing on research-informed practice

Intellectual practical affective and transferable skills
4. Evaluate the role of multi-disciplinary working in the gathering and sharing of information in the context of safeguarding

Case Study.
Your assignment is based on the case study.

Have you outlined why safeguarding is important in social work?
Have you stated what underpins safeguarding in social work?
Have you said what social workers core values are in regard to safeguarding?
Where does these values come from?
Why does social workers work with both adults and children?
What will the assignment cover? Remembering the need for context.

Why is legislation important in social work?
What does it mean for safeguarding in social work?
What is the Care act 2014?
What does this mean for Local Authority /social work duties?
How is this linked to the Human Rights Act and Equality Act?
Can you link the Care act principles to these legislations?
What could safeguard legislation mean for Autonomy and rights?
Is there a link here to the Mental capacity Act -Liberty and unwise decisions?
Can you include any case law here?
What is the Care Act eligibility for assessment and need?
Can this criteria be linked to the case study?

MOD007807 Case Study Assignment

MOD007807 Case Study Assignment

Is this legislation enough to guide social work practice?
What gives social work practice guidance?
Is there a balance needed between legal responsibility and professional standards?
Is there a gap between legislation and practice? What should a social worker do?
How easy is it to uphold social work standard /ethics in a risk adverse society?
Is there a model of practice that can ensure SW uphold rights and participation in
What is ’making safeguarding personal’?
What is ‘RIGHTS -BASED’ safeguarding
What does this mean for a social workers intervention within the case study?

Does the Care Act categorise abuse within the S.42 inquiry?
Is there a difference between identifying adult and child abuse?
What must a social worker undertake to ensure signs are not missed?
What categories of abuse can be linked to the case study?
Have you considered the wider context? What possible abuse is present here?
(on the case study)
How does this link to social work professional ethics/standards?
How can a social worker ensure the wider context for Tom and Chloe is considered
and safeguarded.?

How do you know that the mult- disciplinary working is needed?
How is the underpinned within the legislation and SW standards /ethics?
What is SAB? How is it connected to the Care Act?
What is SAR?
Can you give an example of relevant SAR?
Do the ‘LESSONS LEARNT’ impact policy Level?
IS there a tension between information sharing and human rights/Consent?.
Is this conflict overruled within the case study?

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