NAD003-1 Care Across The Lifespan In Adult Nursing Assignment – UK

Unit title & code :- Care Across the Lifespan in Adult Nursing NAD003-1
Assignment number and title :- 001 Concept Map
Assignment type :- Concept Map
Weighting of assignment :-
Size or length of assessment N/A
NAD003-1 Care Across The Lifespan In Adult Nursing Assignment – UK

NAD003-1 Care Across The Lifespan In Adult Nursing Assignment

Unit learning outcomes :-
1.Demonstrate knowledge and understanding
i.Recognise and appraise the factors that influence health needs in adults across the life span and discuss the role of the nurse in meeting these in a range of care environments as part of the multi-disciplinary team.
2.Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
ii. Reflect on your practice learning and explore the impact of your communication skills values and beliefs on the effectiveness of your practice and your developing professionalism.

What am I required to do in this assignment?
Develop a concept map which demonstrates your understanding of how The Code (NMC,2018) relates to meaningful interaction/event from your practice learning during year 1 and your own beliefs and values.

The work should be presented on a single page.
The reference list should follow and be on a separate page.
Harvard referencing should be used throughout as per the University of Bed ford shire referencing guide lines.

Submitted in a format that you a comfortable with e.g. hand -written and scanned photographed concept map software PPT slide MS Word document and that it is clear and legible.

The work is your own with no collaboration.

In order to pass Assessment 1 you will need to:
a. Construct a concept map in a form which conforms to the model used in the unit that relates The Code (NMC 2018) to adult nursing practice and your own beliefs and values.
b. Distinguish at least eight directional, labelled links
c. Incorporate the four themes underpinning The Code (NMC,2018)
d. Demonstrate a developing level of self-awareness and therapeutic use of self
e. Discuss the role of the nurse within a multidisciplinary team
f. Evidence the use of a range of sources that are correctly cited and referenced

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
Your work will need to be concise, use your space wisely
Use a wide range high quality, contemporary sources for your literature.
Excellent links shown between practice, theory, values & beliefs, and the Code.
Originality and creativity shown in your work and the links.
Well-presented concept map logical with good use of colour where appropriate.
All aspects of the concept map must link back to your patient and the practice experience.

NAD003-1 Care Across The Lifespan In Adult Nursing Assignment – UK

NAD003-1 Care Across The Lifespan In Adult Nursing Assignment

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
All key elements of this assignment will be covered in scheduled teaching sessions and guided learning activities prior to the submission date.
Attendance at practice placement is required to gain the experience required to complete this assignment.
The assessment will be introduced in week 1 with an assessment tutorial in week 12.
Concept mapping will be used regularly within group and individual tasks throughout the unit to become familiar with the process.
There will be a peer review and group feedback on the evolving concept maps in week 23.

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