Module title: Foundations of Scientific Principles for Nursing Associate Practice
Word count: 1000 words +/- 10% (900-1100 words)
Assignment type:Essay
Assignment structure and format:
The essay must include: an introduction; main body; conclusion.
It is suggested that your introduction is 100-150 words
Your conclusion 100-150 words.
NIP1902 Foundations of Scientific Principles For Nursing Associate Practice Essay-UK.

The remainder of your word count will be used in the main body of your
The essay should flow without the use of headings, bullet points or numerical sections.
Introduction- Introduce your plan- set the scene for your essay- what will
you be discussing- the sequence of the content
Your essay needs to focus on the scenario/ episode of care.
You will be expected to identify the vital signs required and provide a
rationale for their inclusion.
Discuss and describe how your role as a trainee nursing associate supports
the taking and documenting of vital signs.
Relate the results to the identified trends and how to feedback to the
nurse/ patient your findings.
Conclusion-this is the end of your essay where you have the opportunity to
revisit what you have discussed within your essay to demonstrate your
learning. This should be a brief synopsis of what you have written and there should be no new information included in your conclusion.
This assignment will require a minimum of 8 references.
Assignment structure and format
The essay must include: an introduction; main body; conclusion.It is suggested that your introduction is 100-150 words Your conclusion 100-150 words. The remainder of your word count will be used in the main body of your essay. The essay should flow without the use of headings, bullet points or numerical sections. Introduction- Introduce your plan- set the scene for your essay- what will you be discussing- the sequence of the content Your essay needs to focus on the scenario/ episode of care. You will be expected to identify the vital signs required and provide a rationale for their inclusion.
Discuss and describe how your role as a trainee nursing associate supports
the taking and documenting of vital signs.
Relate the results to the identified trends and how to feedback to the
nurse/ patient your findings.
Conclusion-this is the end of your essay where you have the opportunity to
revisit what you have discussed within your essay to demonstrate your
learning. This should be a brief synopsis of what you have written and there should be no new information included in your conclusion.
This assignment will require a minimum of 8 references.
Assessed learning outcome (s)
Learning Outcome 3
Demonstrate knowledge of how to carry out the safe monitoring and
documentation of the core physiological parameters; blood pressure, heart
rate, respiratory rate, temperature and pulse oximetry can be applied to
patient care.
Learning Outcome 4
Apply the principles of appropriate hand washing technique and application of infection control principles within patient care.
Module weighting %: 50%
Key reading and learning: Content from the 4 Practice scenarios will inform your integration of evidence into your essay.
resources Kortex anatomy and physiology will support your discussion of normal ranges for vital signs.Learning materials for each day related to the selected observations required.
This module aims to introduce and develop students’ knowledge of key scientific concepts and clinical skills essential to their role as a Nursing Associate. Key scientific principles include knowledge of body systems and homeostasis, anatomy and physiology, social and behavioural science. Clinical skills pertaining to the role of the Nursing Associate include, infection control,monitoring of physiological parameters and a range of nursing procedures.
NIP1902 Foundations of Scientific Principles For Nursing Associate Practice Essay-UK.

Learning outcomes:
On completion of this module, the successful student will be able to:
1.Demonstrate and apply knowledge of body systems, human anatomy and physiology, biology, homeostasis and genomics to patient care.
2.Discuss the principles of pharmacology with reference to the role of the Nursing Associate and Government Policy.
3.Demonstrate knowledge of how to carry out the safe monitoring and documentation of the core physiological parameters; blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature and pulse oximetry can be applied to patient care.
4.Apply the principles of appropriate hand washing technique and application of infection control principles within patient care.
Learning Outcome 1
Introduction to anatomy and physiology of the cardio-vascular, respiratory, renal, digestive, integumentary, nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Outline of key elements relating to genetics. Principles of homeostasis. Social and behavioural science – Agitation, anxiety, stress and depression. Nutritional assessment, skin integrity and hygiene needs
Learning Outcome 2
Introduce the role of the Nursing Associate in safe and effective medicines management.Optimisation of medicines management in relation to local and government policy.
Learning Outcome 3
Outline the procedure for and carry out measurements of blood pressure, respiratory rate,heart rate, temperature and urinalysis
Learning Outcome 4
The role of the Nursing Associate in the prevention of healthcare associated infections. Infection control protocols and guidelines relating to the principles of infection prevention and control. Demonstrate safe hand washing and the use of personal protective equipment.
Aseptic technique and isolation procedures.
Learning and Teaching Strategy
Our pedagogical approach is to offer a range of teaching and learning experiences to enable both surface learning when applicable (concrete skills, tasks) moving towards deeper learning(reflection, analysis knowledge and research informing practice). They are also designed to
ensure that learners completing their programme are prepared for practice in the role of a Nursing Associate. Our pedagogical approach will therefore incorporate:
NIP1902 Foundations of Scientific Principles For Nursing Associate Practice Essay-UK.

- Lecture sessions, seminars and the use of online resources (LO 1,2,3 & 4).
- Lecture sessions will facilitate discussion and reflection of key learning (LO 1,2,3 & 4).
- Online resources will provide a range of pre and post session work to further support students independent learning (LO 1,2,3 & 4).
- Skills lab sessions will enable skill development of hand washing, monitoring of blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, respiratory rate and urinalysis (LO 3 & 4).
- Embedded sessions from the Learning Enhancement Team will support the students’ knowledge in relation to drug calculations (LO 2).
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