Assignment information and guidance
assessment (Up to 20 minutes)
The simulation assessment allows you to demonstrate how you might assist a service user (relevant to your field of nursing) to choose a positive behavioural change. You should discuss either motivational interviewing or a solution focused technique with your assessor, who will be playing the role of your practice supervisor. Please read the scenario. The simulation is graded using the undergraduate grading criteria against how well you achieve the module learning outcomes a, d, c, g.
NPR2067 Simulation Assessment-Northampton University UK.

During the simulation you will be expected to:
- Introduce the approach, you have chosen, and explain the rationale and evidence base, for this approach, to your practice supervisor (LO a, c).
- Explain, the local services and the other professionals that may be available to support the service user in making the behavioural change (LO a, g).
- Answer one question related to your chosen scenario. This will be chosen during the simulation by your assessor (LO c). (you will be informed of potential questions before the assessment)
- Answer a question about asthma (LO d) (already achieved for Oct 19)
Prior to the simulation
NPR2067 Simulation Assessment-Northampton University UK.
you will be expected to prepare two written pieces of information and you should bring both to your assessment to help you with your discussion (these are not assessed)
NPR2067 Simulation Assessment-Northampton University UK.

- An evidence-based summary of how and why you will use your chosen approach (motivational interviewing or a solution focused therapy) with this service user (no more than one side of A4). References must be on the back of this, using the Harvard referencing system. A copy should be submitted via Turnitin by 11:59 on 21 st October 2020 (supporting LO a, c).
- An evidence-based leaflet for the service user about Asthma (no more than one side of A4). The leaflet should aim to give information to the service user about Asthma. References must be on the back of the leaflet, using the Harvard referencing system. (supporting LO a, d)
NPR2067 Simulation Assessment-Northampton University UK.