Unit title & code :- Understanding Health- NUR
Assignment number and title :– 002
Assignment type :– Poster- WRPO
Weighting of assignment :- 50%
Size or length of assessment :- 500- 700 words
NUR021-1 Understanding Health-NUR Assignment – UK

Unit learning outcomes :
1.Define the concept of health and discuss how the principles of key bio psycho social theories influence societal understanding of wellness and illness.
2.Assess how biological psychological and sociological factors impact health across the lifespan from conception to senescence
What am I required to do in this assignment?
You will present information in an academic poster focusing on the health and wellbeing of people at a particular point if lifespan
You will identify a stage of life span define it and identify key features of people at that point in the life span
You will include a definition of health
You will demonstrate an understanding of interaction between bio psychosocial factors on health and well being using a key theory.
You will explore the biological psychological and sociological effects on health outcomes for people at that point in their lives
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
The pass mark is 40% and above
Create a poster that addresses a particular point in the lifespan
Define health
Demonstrate an understanding of physical psychological and sociological influence on health and well being
Explain the specific bio-psycho social influence on well-being at that particular point of lifespan
Evidence of reading and sources that underpin your poster
Accurately reference a range of appropriate academic sources
NUR021-1 Understanding Health-NUR Assignment – UK

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
Utilise various resources on BREO to get an understanding of the underpinning theory.This includes the face to face sessions guided learning and independent learning activities.
Engage with the Unit related activities Discussion boards classroom discussions etc.
Information regarding how to make a poster will be facilitated by Study hub and the resources will be uploaded on BREO Read regularly from good quality academic sources.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
All elements of this assignment will be covered in the unit sessions prior to the submission date.
The classroom discussions will give you opportunities to examine concepts and theories underpinning health and well-being. You will under take individual and group activities to explore the interplay of biological psychological and social factors and their influence on health and health outcomes.
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MOD005910 The Healthcare Professional Assignment – Anglia Ruskin University UK.