NUR5080 Improving Quality & Safety In A Global Context Assignment-Birmingham City University UK.

Assignment Brief
Learning Outcomes:
1.Analyse evidence, policy and ethical frameworks regarding safety and quality.
2.Debate the wider determinants of health in a UK and global context.
3.Examine the impact of health inequalities and vulnerabilities that influence well-being.
4.Apply evidence informed approaches to behaviour change to help people manage their own health.
NUR5080 Improving Quality & Safety In A Global Context Assignment-Birmingham City University UK.

NUR5080 Improving Quality & Safety In A Global Context Assignment

Faculty of Health, Education & Life Sciences
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Module: Improving quality and safety in a global context (NUR5080)
Word Limit: 1600 words
Group: BSc Nursing January 2020 (Second Year)

Assignment Guidance
Please write a 1600 word essay, incorporating the requirements of the different sections as set out below. (There is a 10% word allowance – meaning you may write up to 1760 words).The sections reflect the content of specific themes taught/referred to within in the module.

Assignment Content
Introduction (100 words).
Whilst maintaining confidentiality, briefly describe a patient/service user. This can be someone you have cared for in a clinical environment, or someone who is known to you, e.g.a family member or a friend. Explain why they have received, or are receiving care and what their current health issues are.

Section 1- Determinants of Health
Identify one health inequality and discuss what impact this has on the health or wellbeing of the patient/service user.

To answer this section successfully you must:
 Identify one health inequality.
 State and discuss at least one impact the health inequality has on either the health or wellbeing of the patient/service user.

Section 2 – Using Evidence to Improve Nursing Care
From your discussion, identify and analyse one relevant piece of research or policy which relates to quality or safety.

To answer this section successfully you must:

  • Identify one piece of research or a policy which relates to your chosen patient/service user.
  • Analyse how this research or policy could improve the quality or safety of the nursing care your patient/service user receives.

Section 3 – Self-Management and Ethics
Critically discuss one approach by which the nurse may help the patient/service user to manage their own health and analyse an underpinning ethical principle.

To answer this section successfully you must:

  • Identify one self-management initiative, and discuss how this could empower the patient/service user to increase the management of their own health.
  • Choose one of the ethical principles shown below, and analyse how it relates to the role of the nurse in empowering patients: 1) Beneficence, 2) Non-maleficence, 3) Autonomy or 4) Justice.

Conclude the essay by connecting your discussion with the relevant United Nation’s (2015) Sustainable Development Goal(s).

NUR5080 Improving Quality & Safety In A Global Context Assignment-Birmingham City University UK.

NUR5080 Improving Quality & Safety In A Global Context Assignment

Structure and Presentation
The assignment should be structured so that each section and the required content is covered in a systematic and logical manner. Each section should be linked to ensure a clear flow to the next topic. It should be grammatically correct with clear use of appropriate paragraphing and written in the third person. Your essay must be written and submitted in a Word document
using an appropriate size, type of font (Arial, size 12) and double line spacing.

The assignment may have sub-headings. If used, these will be: Introduction, Section 1:Determinants of Health, Section 2: Using Evidence to Improve Nursing Care, Section 3: Self- Management and Ethics, and Conclusion.

Marking Criteria
The essay will be marked according to the published Level 5 assessment criteria. The module team would encourage attempts at analysis and debate in the essay.

Please ensure that patient and organisational confidentiality is maintained. Breaches of confidentiality will be deemed a technical fail and receive a mark of 1%.

Tutorial Support
It is highly recommended that you work on your assignment during the length of the module.Lecturers will link module content to the assignment throughout the module and to the context of nursing. There is scheduled tutorial support within the module and assignment plans can be
reviewed by module staff during this time. There is limited tutorial support available after the module content has been delivered.

NUR5080 Improving Quality & Safety In A Global Context Assignment-Birmingham City University UK.

NUR5080 Improving Quality & Safety In A Global Context Assignment

Essay Submission (electronically) –

  • The ‘assignment cover sheet’ is the starting page of your essay. (Available in the module assessments tile on Moodle).
  • The E Submission point is on the main Moodle site. We have set up an all field’s submission point on Moodle. (An e-Submission video is available on Moodle.)
  • If you submit the essay you are stating you are “fit to sit” (University SUAR 5 Regulations).
  • You must submit on time 12.00 Noon on day of submission. If you have a disability support statement, please inform the module team via email.
  • Late submission within a 2 hour window will result in a percentage being removed from your grade (10%). For example, a grade of 50% will become 45%.
  • If you submit within 5 working days of the submission date, your assignment will be marked, but your mark will be capped at 40%.
  • Any assignment submitted after 5 working days will not be marked and will be classed as unsuccessful.
  • You have 3 attempts for each of your assessments.

You are reminded that your work submitted must be your own work and must be appropriately referenced.

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